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Everyone is Beautiful

What is beauty? Is beauty a set of dimensions? Is beauty a monetary independence? Is beauty something you can buy, or something that exists regardless of any monetary expense? Is beauty something definite, or indefinite? These are important questions.

Beauty has a subjective quality to it. There are some who would say the barren landscape of the rocky moon is the most beautiful thing in existence. Those people are usually astronauts, and they’re definitely over-stating the case. How can anyone look at the lifeless expanse of craters and rocks on the moon, and find that more beautiful than any tropical region on planet Earth? But there are some that do. The point is, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and with that in mind, there are a variety of ways a girl can make herself up so that she is pleasing to the eye of many watchers, whoever they may be.

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One of the first things to consider in unilateral beauty is hairstyle; and that is what the primacy of this writing will be about. Hair is very important and has been for centuries. Many are familiar with the bouffant, but very few realize just how old this trend is. A bouffant makes the head look two or three times as large as it is. There are a variety of means this is accomplished, but the ancients were so enamoured of this hairstyle they would actually practice cranial head-boarding in order to physically reshape the skull such that this style of hair was attainable. It was also thought, with cranial head-boarding, that the capacity for thought would increase as the size of the skull was now larger. And, fringe elements conjecture this stylistic approach to beauty was done in emphasis of fallen angels or aliens (see: The Thief and the Sacrifice for more on that). What is true regardless of conjecture is that the practice of doing hair in such a way as to make it appear as though the head is actually larger is a style widely practiced today, and still well-received in many ways.

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But it’s not just the size of the head that matters. The hair itself must have a desirable quality to it. Sometimes, a woman will want to try a hairstyle out, but she doesn’t quite have enough hair to make it work. Well there’s a great way to have your cake and eat it too. Try virgin Indian hair. This authentic hair is compiled into exceptionally qualitative extensions of a luscious ebony quality designed to bring out the best in you. Indian hair is renowned the world over for its curly, thick, sultry, beautiful qualities, and it’s no wonder why. The genetic composition of this hair has the thickness commonly associated to more brusque cultures, but the delicacy often ascribed to Nordic peoples. It is literally the perfect mix.

But not everyone is into extensions, or bouffants, or “big hair” of any variety. These days, some girls are shaving half their heads and dying the other side purple–and for some women, that really is the best look. What matters is what you’re comfortable with. So long as you’ve found a look that you can get behind, and which matches your particular personality, the inhering beauty of yourself is sure to shine. That’s the crux of it, when all the gloss is taken away. Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but an authentic personality that evinces self-confidence and grace remains beautiful despite any beholder. Her beauty comes not from her body, not from her hair, but from her very soul.