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A Delicious Mediterranean Diet Can Help Fight Cancer

You know that you and your family should be eating as many healthy foods as possible. This may seem like a challenge. After all, all moms know how hard it can be to tell kids to finish their whole serving of broccoli. Fortunately, there are better ways to get the vegetables on the plate and make it fun for everyone in the family to eat right. The trick is to make delicious, homemade recipes that are packed with vegetables and fresh ingredients.

Did you know that nut and veggie-centered meals help fight cancer? Yes, the World Health Organization has spoken and it turns out that processed red meats have been identified as carcinogens. As easy as it may be to get the kids to munch down a hot dog, the fact is that there are far better alternatives to a diet that has meat filling most of every plate. Even eating as little as 50 grams of meat per day, which is less than two ounces, increases the risk of developing colorectal cancer by 18 percent.

Worry Not, As Veggies Can Be Delicious

While it is alright to have the occasional tasty meat dish, processed meats can be risky to consume on a daily basis. When you have some great creative recipe ideas, however, this is really not an issue. One thing that a lot of doctors recommend is to take a look at the kind of diet that many Greeks eat. Not only will this kind of diet help you to maintain a healthy weight, but it is also a great way of lowering the risk of cancer and preventing cardiovascular diseases.

The key to these kinds of meals is that they are low in meat and dairy, while being high in veggies, fruits, and nuts. Another great trick is to snack on fruits and nuts instead of on sugary sweets. Fruits are sweet and nutritious, and they do a great job of satisfying a sugar craving. Rather than making meat a staple, it should be a special treat. The best kinds of dinner plates are filled with all kinds of delicious and healthy plant foods, each of which contains its own mix of beneficial compounds and nutrients.

Some Great Ways to Add Mediterranean Flavor to Your Diet

There are so many fun and creative ways to mix it up at the table. Here are some helpful ideas that will have your family feeling good after eating and get your kids excited about eating healthy.

A great lunch idea is a bean or vegetable soup. Beans are rich in protein and they have a lot of other health benefits.  If you and your kids eat cereal for breakfast, try adding a couple tablespoons of nuts. Nuts are delicious and nutritious. They also make a great addition to any salad or yogurt, and can add a satisfying crunch to stir-fry and pasta.

Rather than using animal fats like butter, try using canola oil or olive oil in your cooking. These oils help lower cholesterol and provide a great source of monounsaturated fat, which is much healthier than the saturated fat that is usually found in high amounts in animal-based foods.
If you have a favorite casserole dish that you love making, try experimenting by replacing the meat in it with dried beans.

For snack time, try munching on fresh berries. Berries tend to be high in antioxidants, which help cleanse the body of carcinogens. Find out which veggies and fruits are in season, and use those for snacks. Rather than packing your kids’ lunch with a bag of chips, give them some delicious and healthy fresh plants to snack on.

When you make your sandwiches, try substituting mayonnaise with a vegetable-based spread. A great and tasty option is Just Mayo, a completely vegan and gluten-free product made by hamptoncreek, an up and coming company that puts health and sustainability first.

A Better Way to Eat

Doctors and scientists agree that a diet centered on vegetables is the best choice. Have you ever tried your hand at making homemade falafel? Why not give it a shot? Do you dream of a way of getting your kids to eat spinach and tomatoes all the time? There are so many ways to make this dream a reality when you realize all the different salads, platters, soups, casseroles, sandwiches, and more that you could be crafting with love for you and your family.