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Check It Out – We are Featured Bloggers!

Melinda and I want to thank Jennifer over at Eighty MPH Mom for allowing us to be her Sunday Feature Blogger this week.  If you get a chance head over and check out our video and while you are there be sure to check out Jennifer’s awesome site. She even has a great post on winning a car.  How stinking cool would that be!  
At first Melinda and I answered the questions and were just going to submit them in written form but thought it might be cool to do a video.  The video turned out pretty good but it took us 3-4 take because I kept laughing (not sure why).  
If you are interested in reading the post Melinda mentioned in our video as her favorite post here it is : Melinda Called It Sabotage
Again, thank you Jennifer for featuring us we had a blast doing it!