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Remind Me, Whose Blog Is This?

2010/11/24 at 9:46 AM
I’ve noticed that a lot of kids in teh younger elementary grades seem to have similar problems. 2nd grade today is what 3rd grade was 10 years ago. Kids are really being pushed to their limits in school.
I also wanted to say that I have followed your blog for a long time and can’t help but feel like shaun is always talked about negatively. I’d be really hurt if my parents had kept a blog when I was little and then I went back and read all of the posts about my adorable sister and then all the posts about me were mostly negative. I assume that’s not your intention but I wanted to point it out in case you were unaware.
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We received the above comment into our moderation the other day on our post I’m a Little Surpised But Not Really. It talked about the progress Shaun has been making at school. If you are a real follower of our blog and actually read the stories we write about our kids you would know Shaun is the knucklehead, Sabreena is the braniac and Shae is the dramaqueen. We post about all 3 of them, good and bad, funny and sad, embarrassing and proud. When I first read the comment I just thought I’ll just delete it, I’m not really into someone criticizing MY parenting or MY content on MY blog but I thought about what this person said and I got pissed. I did a little research, they had never been on our site before this post, where they spent over 16 minutes reading it. Maybe it’s someone who I know but logging on from somewhere else and wanted to get something off their chest. Maybe their goal was to start some shit, piss me off on my birthday or just get a reaction, well it worked.

I can say whayever the hell I want, if you don’t like it move on but don’t think that it’s ok to leave a nasty comment telling me I’m doing an injustice to my children or treating them unfairly. You obviously don’t know us . Last time I checked it was my signature on the bottom of the posts. Haters aren’t welcome so keep it moving.

(I know I keep saying ME and MINE but I do truly mean Rob and I, ME sounds way better than OUR)