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Staying Safe On The Web

It seems that a lot of people these days share a lot of personal information about themselves on the web and it is extremely important to safeguard as much as you can if not everything.

When you use your computer a lot of websites will use what is called flash cookies to track where you have been on the web. Flash cookies are a new way of tracing your movement and storing a lot more information about you than with normal cookies. One major disadvantage of flash cookies is that you can’t locate them in your browser but you are able to view them with Adobe. The crazy thing is in most cases you can’t tell what website are even using flash cookies to track your movements.

Security in this day and age is key in every aspect of our lives. Say you have a mutual fund account or investment account and you are looking to make a large withdrawal from or you want to totally close the account you need what is called a signature validation program stamp. Signature Validation Program Stamps are used across the investment industry to protect shareholder accounts from unauthorized maintenance or non-financial requests. An officer of a financial institution reviews the proper legal documents pertaining to your request, witnesses your signature, and verifies that your signature is genuine by stamping the form.

More and more people are trying to keep their personal information safe and companies are trying to do the same. Companies are making more and more employees use digital signatures when sending confidential information via the web due to its secure nature. A digital signature is a “stamp” that is placed on data which is unique to the person sending the data, and is very difficult to forge. In addition, the signature assures that any changes made to the data that has been signed can not go undetected. Using a digital signature ensure your document makes it to the proper person and ensures that it was not altered or forged along the way.

When you think about everything mentioned about using the internet can be kind of scary and a little uneasy but if you take just a few precautions you will be pretty successful in keeping your personal information and data safe.

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