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Starting Your Morning Off Right #GIVEAWAY

I hear a lot of people say that they either don’t like breakfast or don’t have time for breakfast which to me is totally weird.  The Babiak’s take breakfast very serious.  Weekday breakfast is usually low key since we all get up and leave the house at different times but when the weekend rolls around that is when breakfast time gets real.  Weekends in the Babiak household typically start out with a nice homemade breakfast which includes pancakes, eggs, some kind of breakfast meat and lots and lots of coffee and juice.  

The kids also look forward to the weekend because they know they are going to get a nice homemade breakfast and can put oatmeal and cereal on hold until Monday.  I enjoy waking up early, turning on the coffee and the radio and making a nice breakfast for the family.  Shaun and Shae typically wake up a little after me and keep me company while I make breakfast.  We use weekend breakfast as a time to unwind and talk about the last week and begin planning the upcoming week.  I love sitting around the kitchen with a hot cup of coffee and just talking with the family, it’s very relaxing.

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There are some weekends where we are jam packed with activities but somehow we find a way to have a nice breakfast either Saturday or Sunday.  Weekends are times that I really enjoy and I hope the kids will remember as well and will carry on the breakfast tradition once they have kids.

Shae eating Hungry jack

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