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Dating and Relationship Coaching 101

Are you having dating or relationship issues that seem fixable, but you need some help? You might have heard of dating and relationship coaching but aren’t sure what it is exactly. 

It’s Not Couples Therapy

This is not one of those intense sessions where couples lay bare the deepest problems that they have with each other. People who go through online dating site and relationship coaching want to improve their ability to be with other people, not stave off a permanent break or a divorce. That will require a specialist. 

A relationship coach will talk about addictive behaviour, communication, parenting, stress, and trust.

It’s About What Is Happening Now

A therapist can dig into the past about specific incidents that shape people’s views of relationships. The relationship coach focuses on what exactly is happening to cause issues with the couple at the present moment. It could be finances, communication, or other problems that should be addressed then. 

What Are Things They Do?

One of the most important things they do is set up expectations about what the relationship should be. People often have different ideas based on things they saw while growing up or what they saw from friends. It can vary from the expectations of duties – like who will do the housework – to how much time they expect to spend with each other.

The coach needs to do that so that there are no unrealistic expectations. Otherwise, that could lead to a lot of frustration and a missed opportunity for a great relationship. They also work to help the couple do reminders to help show they care for each other, and they also help them work on things that hold them back. 

Why Consider A Relationship Coach? 

There are several reasons why it would be worth a couples’ while: 

●     The Coach Is A Resource – The relationship coach can be considered more of a friend who can bounce things off. 

●     They Can Get Immediate Results – The relationship coach can pick up on certain things and point them out to the couple to have them work on them. That means that they can see results much quicker. 

●     The Focus is on Action – The coach wants them to work on things, not talk too much about them. Thus, actionable goals. 

This is a very basic overview, but this would be an excellent place to start if you have things to work on with your relationship.