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5 Anti-Stress Moving Tips


If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. This couldn’t be more true than when applied to the chaos of moving house.

We all know that moving – whether down the street or across the world – can be a stressful time. However, that doesn’t mean it has to be. With the right planning in place and a few tricks up your sleeve, you can sail through your next move without wanting to pull your hair out.

Keep reading to learn our five best tips for de-stressing the moving process.

Hire Professional Movers

Don’t be a hero. It’s admirable to try and tackle your move with your own two hands, save some money, and take charge of everything that needs to be done. However, if it’s within your budget, relieve yourself of the stress and hire professional movers.

Make sure you work with a reputable company like Alberta Strong Movers and ensure that your belongings are insured. Your friends will thank you for not asking them to help you carry boxes all weekend.

Plan in Advance

You should also make sure to have all your ducks in a row as early as you can. Waiting until the very last minute to book movers, hire a truck, schedule cleaners, etc., is going to leave you feeling frazzled and panicked.


As soon as your move is confirmed, start figuring out the dates when everything will need to take place. Make a list of everything to do, schedule all the services you’ll be using, alert your landlord, arrange your utilities, and book accommodation if you need it.

Declutter Before Packing

Right before you move house is the perfect time to seriously declutter your belongings. Most of us own far more than we need, and if you’re going to be packing up your whole life, it’s the perfect time to think carefully about which items really need to make it to your new home.

Getting rid of things before you pack (or as you pack) will lighten your moving load, make unpacking easier, and leave you with that fresh, clean-slate feeling.

Pack Smart

Packing for a move is a drag, and we all want to get through it as quickly and painlessly as possible. However, try to resist the urge to throw random items into boxes without rhyme or reason.


Instead, pack carefully and try to categorize your boxes and label them in detail. This will make your unpacking process a thousand times easier. Additionally, consider packing up a specific box or bag full of those essentials you’ll want on your first day in the new place: coffee essentials, toilet paper, a clean set of clothes, phone chargers, and fresh linen are just a few ideas.

Practice Self-Care

Finally, remember to take care of yourself throughout the process. Even with thorough planning and a solid game plan, you’re still going to have a lot of work to do.

Try to eat nourishing foods to keep your energy levels up, and avoid pulling all-nighters to finish your packing (this can be avoided by starting early!). In the end, your mental and physical health should be your priority.