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How to Bathe a Dog: A Step-by-Step Guide


Bathing your dog is an essential part of keeping them healthy and happy. Not only does it help maintain their skin and coat, but it also gives you a chance to check for any signs of health issues. Whether you have a playful pup, who loves rolling in the mud or a delicate senior dog, knowing how to bathe a dog properly can make the experience enjoyable and stress-free for both of you. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about bathing your dog at home.

Why Is Bathing a Dog So Important?

Regularly bathing your dog offers several health benefits:

  1. Skin and Coat Health: Regular baths help keep your dog’s skin and coat clean and free from dirt, debris, and excess oil. This is crucial for preventing skin conditions and promoting a shiny, healthy coat.
  2. Parasite Detection: Bathing your dog allows you to inspect their skin for parasites such as fleas, ticks, and mites. Early detection can prevent infestations and the spread of diseases.
  3. Overall Hygiene: A clean dog is a happy dog. Bathing helps eliminate odors and reduces the likelihood of infections caused by dirt and bacteria.

Consult your veterinarian if you notice any unusual lumps, bumps, or skin irritations during your dog’s bath.

Preparing for Your Dog’s Bath

Preparation is key to a successful bath. Gather all necessary supplies beforehand to ensure the process goes smoothly.

Gathering Supplies:

  • Dog Shampoo and Conditioner: Choose products specifically designed for dogs to avoid skin irritation.
  • Towels: Have several towels on hand for drying your dog.
  • Cotton Balls: Use these to protect your dog’s ears from water.
  • Brush: A good brush is essential for detangling fur before the bath.
  • Treats: Keep treats handy to reward your dog throughout the process.

Choosing the Bathing Location: The best location for bathing your dog depends on their size and temperament.

  • Small Dogs: The kitchen sink is an ideal spot for small dogs.
  • Medium to Large Dogs: Use a dog bathing station with a handheld sprayer.
  • Outdoor Bathing: If the weather is warm, consider bathing your dog outside using a hose.

How to Keep Your Pup Calm?

Bathing can be a stressful experience for dogs, especially if they are not accustomed to it. Here are some tips to keep your pup calm:

  • Treats and Positive Reinforcement: Use treats and praise to create a positive association with bath time.
  • Calm Environment: Keep the environment calm and avoid sudden movements or loud noises.
  • Lick Mats: Use a lick mat with peanut butter or a favorite treat to keep your dog distracted.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Bathing Your Dog

1. Brushing Your Dog: Before bathing, brush your dog to remove any mats or tangles. This step is crucial as water can make mats tighter and more difficult to remove.

2. Securing Your Dog: Secure your dog to prevent them from running away. Use a grooming loop or tie-out stake if bathing outside.

3. Protecting Your Dog’s Ears: Insert cotton balls into your dog’s ears to prevent water from entering and causing infections.

4. Wetting Your Dog: Use lukewarm water to wet your dog, starting from the back and working your way to the head. This helps prevent startling your dog.

5. Applying Shampoo and Lathering: Apply dog shampoo and work it into a lather, avoiding the face. For the face, use special wipes or a face shampoo.

6. Rinsing Thoroughly: Rinse your dog thoroughly to remove all shampoo. Leftover soap can cause skin irritation.

7. Applying Conditioner (Optional): If your dog has long hair or dry skin, apply a dog conditioner and rinse thoroughly.

8. Removing Cotton Balls: Remove the cotton balls from your dog’s ears and clean the ears if necessary.

9. Applying Detangling Spray (Optional): Use a detangling spray to make brushing easier and add shine to your dog’s coat.

10. Drying Your Dog: Dry your dog with towels and, if necessary, a hairdryer in a cool setting. A high-velocity dryer is recommended for shedding dogs.

11. Post-Bath Treats and Brushing: Reward your dog with treats and give them a final brush to remove any remaining tangles and loose fur.


COZ dog washing station for home can simplify the dog bathing process, offering convenience and a mess-free experience. With its non-skid basin, warm water delivered by faucet or showerhead, and gently sloped base, pet washing stations from COZ are ideal for your furry friends.


Bathing your dog doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With proper preparation and techniques, it can be a bonding experience that keeps your dog healthy and happy. Follow these steps to make bath time a breeze, and consider using COZ home dog bathing stations for an even more efficient and enjoyable experience now!

How Water Fountains Affect the Hydration of Cats

Water is crucial for cat health, just as it is for humans, so make sure they get plenty of it. Cats don’t drink a lot, so it’s easy for them to get dehydrated—that is, to have too little water in their bodies. This may result in serious complications, such as renal or urine difficulties. Since meat doesn’t contain much water, cats need to drink significantly more water. Cat water fountains may be useful in this situation! These are akin to specialty bowls that circulate the water, giving cats extra reasons to drink. They can’t resist it; it’s like a little waterfall! Furthermore, it keeps the water cleaner and fresher longer, which is good for picky cats. For this reason, if you want to make sure your cat is healthy and content, a cat water fountain is an excellent option!

Cat Water Fountains

Cat water fountains provide substantial benefits over standard water bowls, particularly in terms of hydration and developing natural drinking patterns. Unlike stagnant water in bowls, flowing water in fountains resembles the movement of streams, which cats intuitively like, encouraging them to drink more often and guaranteeing greater hydration. This continual flow also keeps the water fresh and oxygenated, decreasing the possibility of bacterial development and providing a safe water supply. Fountains may help reduce the risk of urinary tract infections and blockages by promoting higher water consumption. Furthermore, the dynamic aspect of water fountains engages cats’ interest and encourages interaction, adding to their general well-being and pleasure.

What to Consider

Many things should be thought about before settling on a water fountain for your feline friend. Make sure the fountain can fit in your space and carries enough water for your cat by first considering its size and capacity. Find a fountain that can filter its water effectively so that it stays clean and fresh. Think about how long the fountain will last by thinking about its quality and durability. Check the fountain’s noise level to ensure it will not disturb your cat or home. Finally, consider how easy it is to clean and maintain the fountain to protect your cat’s wellness.

Types of Water Fountain

Cat water fountains vary. Some circulate water by gravity when the water level decreases, while others need a pump. Moreover, these fountains may be made of ceramic, stainless steel, or plastic.

Introducing to Cats

Introducing a cat water fountain to your pet may be a straightforward procedure with some basic guidance. Start by placing the fountain next to your cat’s usual water bowl. Slowly transfer the bowl to the fountain after a few days have passed.


If you want your cat to drink from the fountain, you can tempt its interest by placing some of its favorite toys or snacks nearby. You may gently position your cat close to the fountain and let them investigate it independently. Furthermore, try using the fountain without water briefly to help your cat get used to the noise and motion. Your cat will probably accept the fountain as their new water source with patience and good reinforcement.


Disassemble the water fountain prior to cleaning, and cleanse each component meticulously in tepid, detergent water to eliminate any filth or grime. Remember to replace the filters every few weeks or months, depending on how frequently your cat uses it, as instructed on the packaging. Moreover, in the event that any complications arise, including aberrant water flow or atypical noises, consult the manufacturer for guidance or consult the provided instructions. Your cat will remain healthier and happier if you maintain their fountain clean and in excellent condition!


In order to promote the overall health and welfare of our feline companions, cat water fountains offer an extensive array of benefits. Cats have an inherent affinity for natural streams; therefore, these water fountains provide a consistent supply of clean, oxygenated water that not only incentivizes cats to consume more but also bears a resemblance to the appealing natural streams to which cats are drawn. Fountains may reduce the risk of dehydration, urinary tract disorders, renal issues, and digestive problems in cats by promoting increased water intake. In addition, the filtration systems that are installed in many fountains assist in maintaining the water’s cleanliness and eliminating any potentially hazardous germs, thus providing our dogs with a drinking source that is both safe and sanitary.


Given the significance of water intake for feline friends and the many benefits that water fountains provide, I highly recommend owners of feline companions give serious consideration to purchasing a fountain that is suited for their feline companions. We can make our cats’ hydration a priority and contribute to their general health and happiness by providing them with access to fresh water that is flowing via a fountain. This is a simple method that is also very effective.

Effective Dog Poop Removal Techniques: Keep Your Yard Clean And Sanitary


Dog poop is a common problem for pet owners. Not only is it unpleasant to look at, but it can also pose health risks to both people and animals. Effective dog poop removal techniques or hiring the professionals at Pooper Scooper Service is essential to maintaining a clean and healthy environment for both pets and their owners.

One of the most effective methods for removing dog poop is to use a shovel and bag. This method involves scooping up the poop and disposing of it properly. It is important to use a biodegradable poop bag to minimize the environmental impact. Another common method is to use plastic bags, which are often located in dispensers near “pick up your dog poop” signs. Pet owners can also buy a keychain attachment with biodegradable bags for added convenience.

It is important for pet owners to make it a habit to pick up their dog’s poop regularly. Dog waste carries harmful microorganisms that can have a major impact on wildlife and the environment, so picking it up is not only good manners, in most locations it’s the law. By following these effective dog poop removal techniques, pet owners can ensure a clean and healthy environment for both themselves and their pets.

Methods For Dog Poop Removal

Dog poop removal is an essential task for every dog owner. There are several methods to remove dog poop, and each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the most effective methods for dog poop removal:

Scooping And Bagging

Scooping and bagging is the most common method for dog poop removal. It involves using a shovel or a scooper to pick up the poop and placing it in a bag. It is important to use a sturdy bag that can hold the weight of the poop. Biodegradable bags are a great option as they are eco-friendly and break down easily.

It is important to wear gloves while scooping and bagging to protect your hands from parasites and diseases that may be present in the poop. After scooping and bagging, the poop should be disposed of in a trash can. Some cities have specific rules for dog poop disposal, so it is important to check the local regulations.



Flushing dog poop is another method for dog poop removal. This method is only suitable for poop that is small in size and can be easily flushed down the toilet. It is important to note that flushing dog poop can be harmful to the environment as it can contaminate water sources. It is also important to make sure that the poop does not contain any parasites or diseases that can be harmful to humans.


Composting is a great way to dispose of dog poop while also creating nutrient-rich soil for plants. To compost dog poop, it should be placed in a compost bin along with other organic materials such as leaves and grass clippings. It is important to use a specific compost bin for dog poop and not mix it with other compost as it can contain harmful parasites and diseases.

Composting dog poop can take several months to a year to fully break down. It is important to wear gloves while handling the poop and to make sure that the compost bin is properly sealed to prevent any odors from escaping.



Burying dog poop is another method for dog poop removal. It involves digging a hole in the ground and placing the poop in the hole. The hole should be at least 6 inches deep to prevent any animals from digging it up. It is important to make sure that the poop does not contain any parasites or diseases that can be harmful to humans.

Burying dog poop can help to fertilize the soil and is a great option for those who have a large yard. It is important to make sure that the poop is buried in an area that is not near any water sources or vegetable gardens.


Cleaning up after a dog is a crucial aspect of responsible pet ownership, preventing the spread of harmful bacteria and zoonotic diseases. Effective techniques include using plastic bags, scoopers, or shovels, followed by proper disposal in a trash can.

Disinfectants like vinegar and hydrogen peroxide aid in killing bacteria and parasites present in dog feces, while enzymes help break down feces and eliminate odors. Awareness of health risks, such as Salmonella and E. coli, emphasizes the importance of responsible cleanup to protect the community and prevent serious illnesses, particularly in vulnerable populations.

Kids and Dogs: Nurturing the Bond and Responsible Pet Care for Parents

The bond between kids and dogs is often among the most endearing and beneficial. This connection brings joy and companionship and teaches children valuable life lessons in empathy, responsibility, and unconditional love. However, integrating a pet into a family, especially with children, requires thoughtful consideration and care. This article aims to guide parents on nurturing this relationship and ensuring the well-being of their furry family members.

1. Establishing Ground Rules

Establishing ground rules is the first step in fostering a healthy relationship between kids and dogs. Teach your children how to interact with the dog safely and respectfully. This includes showing them how to pet gently, understanding the dog’s body language, and recognizing when the dog needs space.

2. Involving Kids in Pet Care

Involving children in pet care is a great way to teach responsibility. Depending on their age, kids can help feed, groom, and walk the dog. These activities strengthen the bond between the child and the pet and instill a sense of accountability in young ones.

3. Creating a Safe Environment

Ensuring a safe environment for both the dog and the kids is crucial. This means keeping harmful substances out of reach and creating a comfortable living space for the dog. Also, supervise interactions between younger children and the dog to prevent accidental injuries.

4. Regular Veterinary Care

Regular check-ups with a veterinarian are essential for maintaining the dog’s health. Vaccinations, deworming, and routine health assessments can prevent diseases and catch health issues early.


Educate your children about the importance of veterinary care and involve them in these visits when appropriate.

5. Training and Socialization

Proper training and socialization of the dog are key to a harmonious household. Consider enrolling your dog in obedience classes and exposing them to different environments and people. This helps in developing a well-behaved and friendly pet.

6. Using CBD for Pet Health

CBD (Cannabidiol) has gained popularity for its potential health benefits in pets, including dogs. It is known to help with anxiety, pain relief, and overall wellness. If considering CBD for dogs, choose products specifically formulated for pets and consult your veterinarian for dosage and usage advice.

7. Quality Time and Exercise

Dogs need regular exercise and mental stimulation. Encourage your kids to participate in playtime and exercise routines with the dog.


This keeps the dog physically and mentally healthy and strengthens the bond between the pet and the family.

8. Teaching Empathy and Respect

Having a dog provides a wonderful opportunity for parents to teach children about empathy and respect for all living beings. Discuss the needs and feelings of the pet and encourage your kids to think from the dog’s perspective. This fosters a deeper understanding and a more compassionate relationship.


Kids and dogs can form an incredible bond that benefits both parties—as parents, guiding this relationship and ensuring responsible pet care is key to a happy, healthy, and harmonious family life.

By following these tips, including considering CBD for pet health, parents can nurture a loving and respectful bond between their children and their four-legged friend.

Curly Canines Unleashed: A Complete Guide to Curly-Coated Dog Breeds

Curly-haired dog breeds are not just about adorable looks and cuddly fur. These breeds, ranging from tiny lap dogs to large, energetic canines, offer a unique blend of personality, intelligence, and, of course, those distinctive curls. This comprehensive guide will delve into the world of curly-haired dogs, highlighting their characteristics, care needs, and why they make beautiful pets. Each breed has its own story, quirks, and a particular joy to bring into your life.

From how a tiny Bichon Frise might spin in excitement to the robust, binding energy of a Curly-Coated Retriever, these dogs are more than just pets – they’re companions with individuality. Whether you’re lounging on the couch or out on an adventurous hike, there’s a curly-haired dog ready to match your lifestyle and bring a smile to your face. So, let’s get started and discover the curly-coated dog that might steal your heart.

The Charm of Curly Coats: Understanding the Appeal

What makes curly-haired dogs so unique? Their coats are more than just a fashion statement. These curls often mean less shedding, a boon for allergy sufferers. Moreover, the texture of their fur ranges from tight poodlesque curls to looser, wavy locks, giving each breed a unique aesthetic.

The Poodle: The Epitome of Elegance

When discussing curly-haired breeds, the Poodle often comes to mind first. Available in standard, miniature, and toy sizes, Poodles are known for their intelligence, trainability, and hypoallergenic coats. They are active, social dogs who thrive on interaction and mental stimulation.

The Bichon Frise: A Bundle of Joy

Bichon Frises are small, cheerful dogs known for their fluffy, white curls and playful demeanor. They are great family pets known to be affectionate and good with children. Despite their plush toy appearance, Bichon Frises are robust and enjoy active play.

The Curly-Coated Retriever: A Sporty Companion

Lesser-known but equally charming, the Curly-Coated Retriever is one of the oldest retriever breeds. They are known for their tight, waterproof curls and love for water. These dogs are intelligent, independent, and excel in outdoor activities.

The Portuguese Water Dog: A Maritime Marvel

Originally bred to help fishermen, the Portuguese Water Dog has a waterproof, curly coat ideal for swimming. These dogs are intelligent, energetic, and need plenty of exercise. They are loyal and great family pets, especially for those who lead active lifestyles.

The Charming Aussiedoodle: A Crossbreed Delight

Aussiedoodles, a cross between an Australian Shepherd and a Poodle, inherit the best of both worlds – the intelligence and hypoallergenic coat of the Poodle and the energy and playfulness of the Australian Shepherd. There are several other aspects to consider when searching for Aussiedoodle puppies for sale. They usually have soft, wavy, curly coats and come in various colors.


These dogs are brilliant, loving, and thrive in an active family environment. They are excellent with children and other pets, making them a perfect addition to any home. Training and socializing Aussiedoodles from a young age are crucial due to their high energy and intelligence.

Caring for Curly Hair: Tips and Tricks

Grooming Essentials

Curly coats require regular grooming to prevent mats and tangles. Brushing several times a week and professional grooming every few months is recommended. Pay attention to the undercoat to prevent skin issues. Additionally, consider using detangling sprays or conditioners specially formulated for curly coats to make grooming sessions more accessible and more comfortable for your dog. Regular ear checks are also necessary, as breeds with curly hair are sometimes prone to ear infections due to moisture retention in their fur around the ears.

Bathing and Coat Care

Use dog-specific shampoos and conditioners to maintain the health and texture of the curls. Avoid over-bathing as it can strip the natural oils from their coat. When bathing, gently work the shampoo into the curls, being careful not to tangle them further. It’s also beneficial to rinse thoroughly to prevent any residue build-up, which can irritate the skin. After bathing, a gentle blow dry on a low-heat setting can help keep the curls defined and avoid matting as they dry.

Diet and Health

A balanced diet is crucial for maintaining the health of their coat and overall well-being. Regular veterinary check-ups are essential to monitor any breed-specific health concerns. In addition to a nutritious diet, incorporating omega-3 fatty acids, either through food or supplements, can promote a healthier, shinier coat. Providing plenty of fresh water daily is essential to hydrate their skin and coat. Remember, a healthy coat starts from the inside out, so paying attention to your dog’s nutrition is as important as external grooming.

The Joy of Living with a Curly-Haired Dog

Owning a curly-haired dog can be a delightful experience. Their unique coats, coupled with their diverse personalities, make them excellent companions. Whether you are looking for a small, affectionate lap dog or an energetic, outdoor-loving partner, there is a curly-haired breed to suit your lifestyle.


Curly-haired dog breeds offer a unique combination of beauty, brains, and personality. These breeds cater to various preferences and lifestyles, from the regal Poodle to the playful Aussiedoodle.


Their distinct coats require special care, but the reward is a loyal, loving companion who will bring joy and energy to your life. A curly-haired dog could be the perfect choice if you consider adding a furry friend to your family. Therefore, which curly buddy would be perfect for your family?

8 Reasons to Invest in a Pet Bed


Many homes are not complete without their pets because they offer happiness, comfort, and friendship. Giving your pets a cozy and designated spot to relax is just one of the ways pet owners can contribute to their pleasure and general well-being.

Here’s where having a pet bed comes in handy. Purchasing an excellent pet bed has several advantages for you and your animal companion. This article explores the top reasons to invest in a pet bed.

1. Comfort and Support

Pets require restful sleep to remain healthy and happy, just like people do. Your pet has a cozy and supportive surface to sleep on when they have a specialized pet bed.

Orthopedic characteristics are often included in pet beds, which is particularly advantageous for elderly or arthritic animals. These beds provide the support required to reduce joint discomfort and enhance general health.

2. Hygiene and Cleanliness

Pet Bed contributes to keeping your house sanitary and uncluttered. Your pet is less likely to sleep on your bed or furnishings when they have a special place to sleep.

Consequently, this reduces the amount of pet dander, hair, and odors that gather in your living areas. The majority of pet beds include coverings that are machine-washable and detachable, which makes it simple to maintain their freshness.

3. Temperature Control

Pet beds can assist in controlling your pet’s body temperature, particularly during colder months. Certain pet beds are made of materials that react to temperature, keeping your pet warm in the winter and cool in the summer.


For pets who spend a lot of time outside or in cold climates, this function is crucial.

4. Security and Personal Space

Pets are territorial animals, especially dogs and cats. They like feeling secure and having their area. Your pet can hide in a pet bed whenever they need to unwind or feel comfortable. It’s like having their little sanctuary. This is especially crucial for households with multiple pets because it lessens the possibility of territorial disputes.

5. Durability and Longevity

Over time, purchasing a superior pet bed may be an economical decision. Pet beds of superior quality are designed to endure regular use and daily abrasion, even from the most energetic and lively animals.

They are made of sturdy materials that won’t break from gnawing, scratching, or other pet-related harm. You can avoid spending money on replacements and repairs by selecting a sturdy pet bed.

6. Allergen Reduction

A pet bed can help lower allergy exposure for pet owners.


Limiting your pet’s sleeping space to a specific bed will help you reduce the amount of allergens, like pet dander and hair, that get into your house. To further lower the possibility of allergic responses, several pet beds are made of hypoallergenic materials.

7. Behavior and Training

Pet beds have a big impact on how your pet behaves and is trained. Setting aside a space for your pet to unwind and rest helps to create routines and boundaries. This is particularly useful for handling separation anxiety, housebreaking, and obedience training. Your pet will eventually come to equate their bed with security and comfort.

8. Style and Aesthetics

Pet beds are available in many forms and styles, from traditional to modern. They can bring a little bit of charm and enhance the interior design of your house. You may provide a peaceful and welcoming environment for your pet and yourself by choosing a pet bed that complements your interior decor.

Invest in a Pet Bed Now!

Purchasing a pet bed is a smart move that will benefit you and your cherished companion. It improves the general tidiness and attractiveness of your house while giving them a cozy, hygienic, and safe place to rest.

A pet bed is a useful addition to any pet owner’s home because of its many benefits, which include enhanced comfort, hygiene, temperature control, and behavior training. To preserve your pet’s happiness and well-being, whether you have a dog, cat, or other furry friend, consider investing in a high-quality pet bed.

Choosing the Right Pets for Your Kids: Tips and Mistakes to Avoid


Adopting a pet for your child can be an enriching experience for everyone involved. Pet ownership is a rewarding experience for children. It can teach them responsibility, dependability, and affection.

Even though these creatures can be fun to play with and are exceptional cuddling partners, they can also be aggressive and dangerous to your kids and other family members.

According to Daily Tails, an online product recommendation service for pets, not all pets are adoptable. Pets adoption is a decision that requires careful deliberation, and there is a perfect pet for individual families.

If you are considering getting a pet for your child, this article will guide you on how to go about it and mistakes to avoid.

How to Choose the Right Pet for Your Child

When choosing a pet for your family, ensuring everyone is on board is essential. Everyone should be willing to help care for the pet, as this is a big responsibility.

Child’s Developmental Stage

Pets require care and proper handling. Ensure your kid is developmentally ready to handle a pet before adopting one. Most children should be able to cope with a pet when they are at least 4.

Also, different pets are suitable for various children, depending on their ages.

Pet’s Age and Lifespan

As much as nurturing a pet from a younger age can be a rewarding experience, sometimes it is not the best option for your kids. Young pets may be aggressive, requiring more training to efficiently co-habit with humans.

An old furry friend might be a better option in such a case. However, avoid old pets raised in a home or environment without a child.


Another thing to consider is the lifespan of the pet. Children can form strong emotional bonds with their pets, so it’s important to consider your child’s attachment when choosing a pet. Also, if you choose a pet with a long lifespan, be aware that you may be the primary caregiver once your child moves out.


Some pets shed dander (skin cells, hairs, and feathers), which can trigger allergies in some children.

If your child has allergies or your family has a history of allergies, it may be best to avoid getting a pet. Talk to your pediatrician or veterinarian for more advice.

Probable Diseases

Animal diseases can be transmitted to humans. Reptile pets, for instance, may carry salmonella bacteria that can cause severe diarrhea.

Seek specialist advice on preventing this to safeguard your family against such diseases. For instance, hand washing after playing with a pet and before eating may help.


When choosing a pet, consider breeds that require minimal care that your child can effectively handle.

Do not adopt a pet they do not like. That is why it is recommended you have a thorough discussion with them before proceeding.

Research-Based Benefits of Pets for Kids

We all know that kids love playing with pets, but do you know growing around animals has its benefits? Below are some scientifically researched benefits of pets for kids;

Emotional Regulation

Children are new to emotions. Learning to understand and express their feelings healthily takes time and practice.

Generally, there are two systems of emotional regulation for humans: co-regulation and self-regulation.

A study that examined the association between pet ownership in toddlerhood and emotional expression in later childhood found that owning a pet may help children learn to control their emotions and reduce the risk of poor emotional expression.

Pet ownership in toddlerhood was also observed to contribute to the development of expression.

Improved Mental Health

Like any other age group, children are vulnerable to mental health problems. It is estimated that 1 in 7 kids aged 10-19 experience mental health conditions. 3.6 percent of children between the ages of 10 and 14 years and 4.6 percent of 15-19 experience anxiety disorder.

Depression is another common mental health problem among adolescents, affecting about 1.1% of 10-14 year olds and 2.8% of 15-19 year olds. Depression and anxiety share some symptoms, such as rapid and unexpected mood changes.


Meanwhile, a research report has indicated that children with pet dogs are less likely to have anxiety.

A review of scientific works also showed that dogs and horses can help reduce feelings of depression and anxiety.

Better Communication Skills

Proper communication skills is an essential life skill for humans. Children, while developing their communication skills, require active listening. It helps them feel heard and understood.

Thinking, interacting, playing, and caregiving all enhance language and communication skills.

Children often talk to their pets; this has been observed to help enhance language and communication skills. Teaching a pet trick and positive behavior is an excellent way for children to practice clear, accurate, and meaningful communication skills.

Offers Life Lessons

Caring for pets and growing up around them offers children many life lessons. For instance, the pet may get sick. Your child will learn how to handle and care for them during this time.

They are also likely to witness and learn other life lessons such as reproduction, birth, accidents, and death.

Reduced Mortality

Dogs can boost your longevity. A thorough analysis of studies published over the past 70 years revealed that dog owners were less likely to die.

Evidence suggests that dog owners have lower blood pressure and better stress responses. Studies have shown that the human-dog bond reduces stress, a leading cause of heart disease.

What are the Best Pets for Kids Based on Their Age?

Kids’ age plays a vital role in deciding the suitable pets for them. Below are some of the best pets for kids you may consider:

Kids ages 4-7

  • Parakeet (also called budgies)
  • Crested Gecko

Kids ages 8-11

  • Rats
  • Guinea pigs
  • Birds: Canaries and finches
  • Fishes
  • Brine shrimp (also called sea monkeys)

Kids ages 12-15

  • Rabbits
  • Cats
  • Greek tortoises
  • Dogs
  • Bearded dragons
  • Corn snakes

Irrespective of their age, ensure your kid understands the responsibility before adopting a pet. You may visit a friend or family member with a pet so your kid can see firsthand the kind of care pets require.

The Importance of Animal Shelters


Animal shelters provide a safe place for people to bring lost pets, find adoptable animals, and provide low-cost spay/neuter services. They educate residents on responsible pet ownership and disease control, serving as a valuable community resource.

Shelters should be allowed to reduce or waive fees associated with adoptions and transfers. Environmental enrichment in shelters has strategic benefits beyond increasing psychological well-being, including improved behavioral and health outcomes.

They Save Lives

Animal shelters take in millions of dogs and cats yearly and other animals like birds, hamsters, rabbits, ferrets, and more. These animals would die in the wild if it weren’t for the shelters that take them in and care for them.

They also work hard to find pets in good homes. This means giving the animals food, water, exercise, and socialization before adoption. And because the staff spends so much time with the animals, they know a lot about their behavior and what type of home they will be happy in.

Humane Society of New York is on the front line of fighting diseases that spread from animals to people, which protects our health, too. They also promote responsible pet ownership through low-cost spay and neuter programs, in-house clinics, and partnerships with community veterinarians. They also help keep streets clean and safe by picking up and impounding stray animals that irresponsible owners leave on them.

They Help with Adoption

Animal shelters house various animals, from dogs to cats to rabbits. But they are best known for taking in and finding homes for countless numbers of lost or unwanted pets. This is a hugely important job because it prevents pet overpopulation, saves lives, and keeps the community safe from dangerous animals.


Most shelters are “open admission,” which means they take all the homeless pets that come in, including strays and those surrendered by their owners. They also work to reunite pets with their owners and educate the community on responsible pet ownership.

When people adopt from shelters, they help break the cycle of overpopulation, resulting in 8 to 12 million euthanized pets. They also reduce the number of animals that end up in shelters or on community streets, and they help stop the cruel practices of breeders. A big part of the work done by shelters involves training animals to learn how to be social, walk on a leash, and interact with people.

They Help with Training

Animal shelters often have a wealth of knowledge on training dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, and other pets. This information can help people who want to adopt a pet but may need help training their new companion.

Animals in shelters benefit from communal housing and regular socialization with humans, a vital part of their psychological well-being. However, this can be a challenge for shelters with limited resources or a volunteer workforce with little or no training in animal welfare.

Shelters can also be critical in helping the public understand and address pet overpopulation issues, including through spaying/neutering and vaccination programs. They work with local communities to encourage responsible pet ownership and provide veterinary services at reduced costs for adopted animals.

They Help with Medical Care

Animal shelters also help people with spaying and neutering their pets, which helps decrease the animal population and prevent unwanted births. They also provide vaccinations for their animals and help the community learn about pet care, including proper nutrition, exercise, and disease control.


The staff at animal shelters are very compassionate and care about the animals that come into their facilities. Unfortunately, some of these animals feel sad or abandoned when their owners give them up to animal shelters, which can negatively affect their overall behavior.

Inevitably, some of these dogs and cats are not adoptable, and they must be euthanized. Standardized protocols must be in place to ensure a humane and dignified death for these animals. This is not easy for the staff members to deal with, but they know that their work makes a difference in the lives of many animals.

Choosing the Perfect Dog Boarding Facility in Hillsborough, NC

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Whether for a short-term or extended stay, finding the best dog boarding facility for your pup in Hillsborough, NC, is essential. With so many options, it can be difficult to know what to look for when selecting a dog boarding facility. This article will provide an overview of the key considerations to make when selecting the best dog boarding in Hillsborough, NC.

What to Consider When Choosing a Dog Boarding Facility

1. Location

The convenience of the facility’s location is a key factor to consider when selecting a dog boarding facility. It is important to choose a facility that is close enough to home that it is easily accessible in an emergency.

2. Services Offered

The services offered by a dog boarding facility are important to consider when deciding which one is right for your pup. Some facilities offer grooming and bathing services, while others may provide outdoor play areas and walking services. Be sure to carefully consider what services the facility provides and determine which ones your pup will benefit from the most.

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3. Cost

Cost is an important factor when selecting a dog boarding facility. Be sure to get quotes from a few different facilities and compare the services offered by each. Additionally, consider any discounts that may be available.

4. Cleanliness

The cleanliness of the facility is an important factor to consider when selecting a dog boarding facility. Be sure to visit the facility in person and ask to see the living areas and outdoor areas. Additionally, it is important to ask what protocols are in place to ensure the health and safety of the dogs that are staying at the facility.

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5. Veterinary Care

The availability of on-site veterinary care is an important factor to consider when selecting a dog boarding facility. If your pup is on any medications, it is essential to make sure the facility is able to provide this care. Additionally, be sure to ask if the facility has an emergency plan in place in case of any medical issues.


Choosing the best dog boarding facility in Hillsborough, NC, for your pup is an important decision. Be sure to consider the location, services offered, cost, cleanliness, and veterinary care when selecting a dog boarding facility. With careful consideration of these factors, you can be sure that your pup will have the best stay possible.

4 Ways to Keep Your Dog Healthy and Happy Indoors

The term “dog days” refers to the hottest days of the year, an event that typically happens between July and August. It’s called such because, in antiquity, this often occurred right around the rising of the star system Sirius, which is colloquially referred to as the Dog Star. While “dog days” don’t exactly do any favors to canine companions, it’s still possible for pets to spend a few minutes safely outdoors during these oppressively hot days, with precautions in place for their daily walks and for doing their business outside.

It can be a very different story when it’s “raining cats and dogs” or during “three dog nights.” There are canines that aren’t afraid of the water or averse to extremely cold temperatures. That said, there are certainly those that hate stepping outside during these extreme weather events. Maybe you’re also reluctant to let them out because that requires a massive cleanup afterward.

What’s a dog owner to do when it’s wet and cold outside, and your canine companion absolutely refuses to leave the warm comfort of your home, even for just a few minutes? The good news is that you can still do the following to meet your dog’s exercise needs and other necessities while both of you are stuck indoors because of the weather:

Prepare a Place Where Your Dog Can Exercise Indoors

If Fido refuses to step out in the cold to play and walk, how about setting up a dedicated space for playing with your dog inside your home? If you have dog toys that are sure to attract your pet’s attention, now would be the time to put them to work in this makeshift indoor playground. Prepare to use your dog’s favorite toys for playing fetch or tug of war.

Aside from toys, you can also set up training equipment in this space, including items such as martingale collars or leashes and dog harnesses. A dog tunnel around your sofa or bed, for example, can give your dog the illusion that there’s plenty of space to run around indoors. Teaching and tasking your dog to clear a series of hurdles can also make your indoor space seem more engaging.

You may not be able to leave your home for a walk, but your dog can still look forward to having fun when they see you setting up your indoor dog playground.

Plan Short Games to Keep Your Dog Engaged and Entertained

Aside from preparing an activity area, you can also plan a few short games to play together to keep your pup happy. These experiences can be immensely fun when you and your dog are both cooped up at home.

You can play hide and seek, for example, and have your dog look for you in another room in your home. Another option is to spread treats around your home and have your dog look for them.

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There’s also what some pet owners dub the shell game, where you need a treat and three identical cups. Hide the treat under a cup, rearrange the cups, and ask your dog to pick the one with the treat. Reward them with it if they make the right choice.

Review Tricks or Teach Your Dog New Ones

Another great way to help your pet stay engaged while indoors is reviewing tricks and teaching them new ones. Use the opportunity to review the lessons that your dog already knows, like coming when called, staying, or sitting in place. You can also teach them how to pick up their toys after you’re done playing.

These lessons might not seem physically challenging for your pet, but accomplishing new things and receiving compliments after completing a task can help your dog feel confident and happy.

Set Up a Space Where Your Pet Can Relieve Themselves

It can be a challenge to get your pet to respond to the call of nature when it’s cold and wet outside. After all, many dogs don’t like getting their paws wet or getting their fur drenched by rain.

Some people recommend getting your canine companion to tolerate rainy potty breaks before this happens. But if you’re already in the thick of it and your dog simply refuses to potty outside, you can make a few adjustments until your pet is ready to start tolerance training.

If you have a covered outdoor area, for instance, you can make that space look a little bit like your dog’s favorite pee or poop spot. Use artificial turf on top of a pee pad if your dog likes to pee on the grass, or add gravel to it if your dog prefers to pee on the ground. Don’t forget to use positive reinforcement when your pup gets the job done.

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If your pet is unable to go outside because of inclement weather, then all the exercise that they’ll get for the day are your play and training sessions. Keep this in mind when scheduling your day and planning activities that will physically and intellectually challenge your canine companion. With enough preparation and the right mindset, you and your dog won’t have to suffer through utter boredom or deal with excess or destructive energy while waiting for better days and weather.