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Joining the Million Mile Run to fight Childhood Cancer

I’m lacing up my running shoes again but this time it’s not for my own vanity. I’m joining Delaware Valley area bloggers to fight back against childhood cancer this September – National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month – with Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation!
Alex's Lemonade Stand Million Mile RunOur team was inspired by two local childhood cancer heroes, Lily & Maggie.

Lily was diagnosed with a brain tumor called ependymoma when she was 14 months old. Lily endured five brain surgeries and a month-long hospital stay at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Brain surgery left Lily unable to sit, crawl or walk. But now, Lily who is 7, is cancer-free. Lily can walk and she can dance and jump and rock it on the soccer field! Lily can run! Lily will be running along with our team as we work to reach our goal of 1,000 miles and $10,000 for a cure for all kids with cancer!

fighting childhood cancer with Lily Adkins

Lily Adkins

Maggie was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastomic leukemia (B-ALL) just a few months ago in May at 2 years old. All of her life, Maggie has been a whirlwind of giggles and red curls. And even though cancer and aggressive chemotherapy has temporarily stolen those lovely curls, they did not steal her tenacious spirit. Maggie and her parents fought this disease with everything they had. Finally, on July 5, Maggie was declared cancer-free! However, she will continue to receive a variety of treatments and testing to ensure that she stays healthy. As she works on regaining her physical strength, we will walk and run for Maggie!

fighting childhood cancer for Maggie

Maggie Sabora

Everyday 720 kids are diagnosed with childhood cancer– and everyday families begin the fight of their life. Childhood cancer remains the leading cause of death by disease for children under age 15. Research is consistently underfunded–but with your support, we can make a difference!

Running a few miles isn’t anything in comparison to the struggles these girls have had to deal with. I’m asking you to JOIN US by making a donation, joining our team, or forming your own Million Mile Run team!

Stay tuned for progress on the donations and the mileage we all complete.


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A Life in Balance

A.C.Moore kicks off Summer Fun Wednesdays with Alex’s Lemonade Stand

 Each year A.C. Moore Arts & Crafts launches their FREE Summer Fun and Craft Program.  Each Wednesday between June 26 and August 14, the program offers free craft activities from 1 p.m. through 3 p.m. for children ages 4 – 12 years. This year, the program kicks off with a summer fun tote bag project benefiting Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation for Childhood Cancer (

On June 26, shoppers at all 139 A.C. Moore stores can purchase a canvas tote bag for $1. All monies raised through the sale directly benefit Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation. From 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. kids can use Simply Spray® to create a special design on their tote bags for free while learning more about holding their own lemonade stands in support of Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation and pediatric cancer research. Lemonade stand projects can be found at the A.C. Moore website, Shoppers can also donate to the foundation via the purchase of paper “lemons” at checkout.

Alex's Lemonade Stand Citrusy Tote with ACMoore

“Our Summer Fun Wednesday program is designed to tap into children’s creativity, and this year, we are hoping families get creative with ways to support Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation through lemonade stands of their own,” said Robin Beam, Director of Education.  “We know the tote bags will serve the kids well this summer as they enjoy all the wonderful activities that summer brings, including crafting and lemonade stands.”

Summer Fun Wednesdays begin June 26 and continue through August 14. Scheduled activities include:

  • June 26, Simply Spray® Canvas Bag project
  • July 3, Orb Factory Sticky Mosaics®  Bling Stickers
  • July 10, Crayola® Model Magic Owls
  • July 17, Schur-Tech Duck Tape Duckling™ Frames
  • July 24, Karmin International™ Design a Puzzle
  • July 31, Melissa & Doug Scratch Art® Tube
  • August 7,  Fashion Angels® Tapeffiti™ 
  • August 14, Polyform® Eraser Clay Sweet Treats