What does attract men to women? So many rumors have been spreading all over the world. Journalists, researchers, authors, bloggers, and other people try to find an answer to this question. Specialists presented studies that aimed to tell the truth at last.
For example, the results of “Facial attractiveness: Evolutionary and sociocultural perspectives” (Rhodes, 2006) revealed that guys like ladies with feminine facial features more. They pay special attention to women’s lips, chins, eyes, etc. Earlier, thanks to “Mate preferences and choices of mate characteristics in different cultures” (Buss, 1989) we discovered that men appreciate personal traits not less than appearance. In 1993, the study “Short-term mating strategies in men and women” proved that the purpose of relationships also impacts men’s preferences about ladies. For example, they prioritize appearance over personality if they are interested just in short-term commitment. Guys focus on loyalty, kindness, and other traits when building serious relationships.
What do Recent Researches Say?
Besides, many informal studies and surveys are conducted online. One of them is a survey organized by a popular international dating site Victoriyaclub.com. They asked men of different ages and nations about their preferences and expectations when it comes to women. Here are a few interesting facts to know.
Men don’t care about makeup
While most of us have been sure that guys pay special attention to women with makeup, they do not. 47.6% of respondents said that they don’t care whether the girl has makeup or not. 14% of guys mentioned that they even have a negative attitude toward it. Impressing, yes?
Men don’t care about tattoos
These days, more and more girls decide to have a tattoo. Some ladies even have a few tattoos on different body parts. Of course, the reasons vary from woman to woman. Some work at their confidence; others just seek some changes. Despite this reason, guys do not pay special attention to the fact whether a lady has a tattoo or not. At least it is not a decisive factor for them. Almost 58% of respondents have a neutral attitude toward the tattoos.
Men prefer women with natural beauty
At times when ladies are into different surgeon operations, it is a challenge to find the one who can boast a unique natural appearance. By the way, men are more likely to date women who have natural beauty. Women with their breasts, hair, lips, etc. attract more men these days. It seems that plastic operations are not as popular as they used to be.
Guys like women wearing elegant clothes
Today girls choose different outfits, from sporty looks to elegant clothing. Do you want to know what guys like more? Well, they admire ladies in elegant outfits (30.8%), according to the research of Victoriyaclub.com. Almost 19% of respondents said that they feel okay when women wear casual clothes.
Men like intelligent women
More and more guys admit they are attracted to smart women, who can have an interesting and engaging conversation with ladies. Discussing different topics and exchanging opinions on this or that topic lets men feel more comfortable and understand whether a particular lady can be a perfect match for them.
Guys are attracted to women with similar values
Men choose women with the same backgrounds and values. They are sure that common interests let couples build stronger connections. That’s why they choose ladies who have the same backgrounds. Men believe that their passion and fire will last even over the years. Also, they are attracted to determined girls with clear goals instead of empty dreams only.
Men prefer positive women
Do you know those ladies who are often pessimistic? They are not satisfied with anything. Such women accuse everybody around them of their failures and are not ready to take responsibility for their lives. Well, guys try to keep a distance from such ladies. Instead, they choose positive women with a lot of energy. Of course, bad days happen with everybody, but men tend to be with girls who can inspire them and share good vibes.
Men choose attentive and supportive women
Guys seek women who are attentive to their needs and desires. They want a partner who can support and give a piece of advice when it is necessary. The ability to provide a good level of empathy and comfort is evaluated by men a lot. In other words, a woman should be present instead of pretending to be engaged in a guy’s life.
Final Thoughts
Recent findings as well as previous research prove that men’s preferences vary from person to person. Still, there are cases when guys have a similar attitude to this or that factor. They feel quite indifferent about whether ladies have or don’t have tattoos. Men also admit their preferences for natural beauty.