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Simple Button Bracelet Craft for Kids

Simple kids crafts are my favorite to do with Shae. Since we are usually squeezing in crafts between errands, activities, meals and other responsibilities. If I can gather supplies and get her started in just a few minutes than I know that craft is a keeper. This Simple Button Bracelet is something Shae wears on her girly days. In fact she’s made for her friends because they are so easy to make.
 button bracelet craft for kids
buttons, different shapes, sizes and colors
craft supplies button bracelet
Measure your child’s wrist then add 2 inches, cut this measure of elastic string. Tie a double or triple knot, big enough so button doesn’t slip off. Let your child string buttons in whatever order or pattern they choose. Be sure elastic go in a hole from bottom then back in another hole from the top. This allows the buttons to lay flat against the wrist.
button crafts for kids

When your child is done tie a knot around the starting knot. This helps prevent loosing as the bracelet is stretched over the wrist.

button bracelet for crafts
Show off your own kid’s cute button crafts.

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