Maryland has been a state since April 28th, 1788.
And yet, there’s still a lot about it that most people don’t know.
For example—the state nickname is ‘Little America.’
It’s also home to the oldest continuously published newspaper in the United States (the Maryland Gazette, founded in 1772).
And as if that wasn’t cool enough—it’s also the final resting place of the last ship to serve during the American Civil War—the USS Constellation, which was docked at Baltimore.
If you’re thinking of moving to Maryland and/or making your home in this amazing place, then there are definitely a few facts that may be important to pay attention to.
Some of these facts are more common knowledge—but some may surprise you.
Hey, knowing cool things about new places is awesome!
So let’s crack open the vault and talk about the things you need to know if you’re thinking about either moving to Maryland or visiting it for a prolonged period of time.

The Cost Of Living Is ‘Kind Of Alright’
Maryland isn’t necessarily known for having a super low cost of living.
But it also isn’t the most expensive state in the Union, either.
According to statistics, Maryland is a below-average state in the sense that it’s more expensive than the national average where most living expenses are concerned.
Groceries are a bit more expensive, housing is actually quite a bit more expensive, and utilities are also higher than the national average.
This isn’t the best news in the world—but it’s also not nearly as bad as some other places.
One interesting thing to note is that healthcare is actually a bit cheaper than average in Maryland.
That’s pretty cool, right?
You’ll Need A Medical Card To Use Marijuana.
Medical marijuana is legal in Maryland. But recreational marijuana isn’t.
Ten grams or less of cannabis has been ‘decriminalized,’ but you’ll still need to get a doctor’s approval before smoking or using cannabis in the state.
This is bad news for people who want to smoke recreationally!
Thankfully, finding a medical marijuana card in Maryland isn’t too difficult.
You can actually apply and get one online—which is a good idea if you plan to partake of everyone’s favorite green herb after relocating to the state.
Maryland Has ‘Normal’ Weather Patterns
You could think of Maryland as ‘classic American’ where weather is concerned.
It’s characterized by hot, humid summers and cool winters.
The average snowfall every year is just over 20 inches. Of course, the eastern part of the state, which runs along the coast, gets less snowfall than the western part.
So which part of Maryland you live in actually makes a big difference.
Maryland Is A Great Place For Sports
If you love sports, then this may be the perfect state for you.
They have football, baseball, lacrosse, horse racing, and more. There’s literally a sport for every single season!
If you love live sporting events and enjoy always having something to watch on TV that’s actually in season, then you’ll be pleased with the myriad of choices offered by the state.
One interesting thing to note is that even though Maryland has a professional football team and a professional baseball team, their official state team sport is lacrosse! You can find both the U.S. Lacrosse National Headquarters and The Lacrosse Museum and National Hall of Fame in Sparks, Maryland.
But that’s not half as interesting as the official state sport. Their actual official state sport is jousting!
Maryland Is The Home Of The ‘6-Pack.’
If you’ve ever enjoyed a six-pack of brewskies, you should note that the very first time beer was packaged this way was in Maryland.
The Natty Boh brewing company, which literally dates back to prohibition days, felt that a 4-pack wasn’t enough, while an 8-pack was too much. Thus, the famous ‘6-pack’ was born.

There you have it!
Five things to know about Maryland before visiting or relocating.
It’s an amazing state with a lot to offer—so if you’re thinking of paying it a visit, go ahead and book those flights.
You really won’t want to miss out on the opportunity—even if you don’t end up setting up camp in ye old ‘Little America’ for good!