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6 Practical Activities to Teach Your Child About Money Management


Money management involves understanding how different investments help you reach your goals. Setting up a budget and following good money management habits enables you to make smart financial decisions. Teaching children financial literacy enhances their ability to make sound financial decisions. Use the following practical activities to equip your child with money management skills.

1. Make Them Earn Their Money

Set specific tasks or chores kids must complete before receiving their allowance. When deciding how much money to give them, ensure it is a reasonable amount appropriate for their age. You should also teach them how to budget their money and encourage them to save. You can do this by having them create a goal for themselves, such as saving for something they want, then help them devise a plan to reach that goal.

2. Involve Them in Family Finances

Involve your child in budgeting. Have them track and categorize expenses in a spreadsheet, helping identify areas where you spend or save money. It also teaches the importance of saving money and paying bills on time. They can learn about shopping for necessities versus luxury items and giving back to the community. Create monthly challenges to see how much they can save or put aside in a savings account.

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Finally, create short-term and long-term financial goals with your child to help them stay on track. Once you establish these basics, move to advanced lessons, like investments. Show them different types of stocks and bonds, and how mutual funds work. Explain why they should diversify their investments and the potential for compound interest to build wealth over time.

3. Use a Piggy Bank

A piggy bank allows children to see their savings grow as they put coins and notes into the container. It teaches them how to save and visually represents their progress toward their financial goals. Encourage your child to set a goal for how much money they want to save in their piggy bank. Challenge them to make small contributions often, as this cultivates the habit of saving for the future.

4. Teach Them Banking Principles

Teach your kids about banking by opening a savings account, making deposits and withdrawals, and managing their money. Explain how interest works and why it’s important to save. An economics homeschool curriculum can teach them about liquidity, stability, and profitability in simple language. Explain how credit and debit cards work and the importance of prioritizing and tracking expenses. Show them different ways to save money through comparison shopping or using coupons.

5. Encourage Giving

Money management is an important life skill that secures your child’s financial future. Giving makes you better with money by getting rid of selfish financial impulses. Distinguish between spending and responsible giving by donating time, talent, and resources. Have conversations with your child about giving and how it makes the world a better place.

Participate in a Toy or Clothing Drive

Review their old toys, clothes, and books and have them decide which items they want to donate. Once they’ve gathered the items, take them to a local charity or homeless shelter.

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Seeing the smile on someone else’s face when they receive their new items will make them happier. They understand the importance of giving and its positive impact on someone else.

Take Part in a Volunteer Activity

Enroll your children to help at a soup kitchen or volunteer at an animal shelter. If your child is too young to volunteer, involve them by going on trips together and donating items or supplies to their chosen charities

6. Model Good Money Habits

Children learn good financial habits as young as preschool. Model good financial behavior by showing your child how you make wise financial decisions. Explain why you save for big-ticket items rather than buying them on credit and why you need an emergency fund. Teach and model the concept of “delayed gratification.” Explain to your child that saving for something they want over a longer period is more rewarding and less costly than buying it immediately with borrowed money or credit.

Bottom Line

Money management is the practice of budgeting, saving, and investing money to make well-informed financial decisions and achieve long-term goals. It involves keeping track of income and expenses to identify areas to cut costs or save. It also includes developing a financial plan with specific goals, such as retirement savings or buying a new car.