An unfortunate event can leave a lasting negative impression on the victim’s mind and lay the foundation for life-threatening mental health conditions. Approximately 1 in 5 Canadians experience mental illness each year, according to Master’s Counselling’s article.
In 2022, as many as 23.1% of US adults experienced some kind of mental health problem, and that’s not a small number.
So, it is really important to know how to navigate your way through the tough times. It’s important to understand that with the right kind of support and lifestyle, you, too, can lead a mentally healthier life.
In this think-piece, there are some of the most effective strategies that will help you find the light in your dark times. Keep reading.
Identify What Triggers the Darkness
The first step to recovering is understanding the specific circumstances, objects, or events that cause your mind to spiral into fight-or-flight mode.
For instance, suppose an army soldier experiencing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) might suddenly get triggered by the sound of a gun being fired on TV. Even though there’s no real danger happening to him or her, the past events and their trauma have lodged themselves deep into the veteran’s mind.
This is why it’s important to identify the specific instances that can cause you to become more disturbed. Once you identify what your triggers are, you will be able to manage them better.
Seek Professional Help
When you feel that your trauma and mental health are too deep to ignore and there’s nothing you can do to alleviate the pain, don’t shy away from seeking professional help.
There are numerous luxury mental health facilities all across the country. Most of them offer one-on-one counseling sessions with a safe space and complete privacy.
In these facilities, you will also be exposed to a variety of different activities like painting or pottery to help your mind feel better.
You can also be a part of the support programs and talk to people who share the same trauma as yours and reassure you of the fact that you’re not alone in this fight.
Never, NEVER Avoid the Trauma
Most people, when faced with traumatic events or their triggers, tend to bury them down or completely ignore them.

While this might seem like a good coping mechanism at first, it can quickly become dangerous. Instead of turning down the jumble in your mind, tell yourself that it’s completely fine to feel anger, pain, and hurt. You can only move past your trauma once you validate your feelings.
Try Guided Meditation
Yoga and meditation are great tools to manage minor triggers. However, many might not know where to start, and if you’re one of them, here’s your answer: guided meditation.
If you jump right into open or freestyle meditation, your mind won’t be able to focus, and you might be tempted to give up easily. In that case, you can look for a meditation teacher or follow a few YouTube videos for starters.
Take Good Care of Yourself
You might feel that the best way to get over painful memories is to actively participate in hustle and bustle and keep yourself busy all the time.
While it’s okay to delve into work, you can’t do that as an escape because that will eventually cause burnout. Once you experience burnout, it can be really difficult to bounce back, especially when you’re also dealing with mental health issues.
Instead, adopt healthy methods of self-care. Self-care doesn’t have to be anything fancy like a trip to Paris. A simple relaxing bubble bath, with some scented oils and candles, can serve the purpose. Or you can curl up on your couch and play a romcom with a glass of wine!
Sweat it out
Any kind of exercise is associated with decreasing the symptoms of psychological disorders like PTSD, anxiety, and depression.
Moreover, to keep your body fit, exercising can reduce stress hormones and instead promote the secretion of happy hormones like serotonin and endorphins.
If you’re not a big fan of working out, that’s quite alright! You can start by taking short half-hour walks in the morning or evening. Once you’re comfortable with walking, try jogging or cycling.
You can also try some light gym equipment with some rock music in the background. Whatever form of exercise you choose to do, make sure it keeps your body moving!
Pursue Your Long-lost Hobbies
When you’re going through pain and anxiety, it might feel that you’re truly alone in the world. But if there’s one thing that can cheer you up, it’s the hobbies and recreational activities that you once used to pursue!
Whether it’s painting, singing, cooking, or simply taking your neighbor’s dog out for a walk, there’s no end to what you can do in your free time!
Remember, getting creative has no limits or rules. You don’t always have to produce a masterpiece while pursuing your hobby. Just remember to have fun and put your heart and soul into it.

Engaging in such activities will improve both your emotional and psychological frame of mind, making you feel happier.
Make a to-do List and Keep Scratching them
If you feel too overwhelmed to do any work but there are a ton of things to be done, the first thing you must do is take a deep breath and tell yourself that you’ll be able to complete everything in due time.
Next, take a piece of paper and write down the tasks that you need to do, starting with the tasks that require the smallest amount of effort. You can start with something basic like taking a hot shower or making the bed.
Once you complete the task, check the box next to it. This way, when you look at the tasks that you have completed, you’ll feel proud of yourself for getting up and doing some work. This will also motivate you to complete the more difficult tasks.
Even though on most days, the trauma takes the best out of you, remember you can’t let it win. Keep at it but also be easy on yourself. Don’t bash yourself because you lost, instead, try again tomorrow. Take one day at a time, and you’ll be out of this black hole very soon.