Before my current job, I worked in radio for 6 glorious long years. I worked in the promotions department and did some on air stunts from time to time. They needed a guy to dress up as an Easter Bunny and work the drive through of Krystal’s or eat a rather large burger, I was their guy. Every time I tell people that, they say that it sounds like something I do. Not sure what that says about me. I eventually grew up and started working in non-profit. I also grew up as a blogger and started writing about my daughter.
In addition to making a fool of myself, I also dealt with complaints from listeners. Think customer service for a product you can’t touch or use. Part of my daily tasks were answering emails.
I would get ones like:
“I can’t believe the DJ said that was Kelly Clarkson when duh its Pink.”
“Please listen to my band via MySpace page and play it on the radio. The fact that corporate radio doesn’t support locals is why you suck.”
“I am a parent of a 3 year old, 5 year old, and a 10 year old. Every morning we listen to radio station WXYZ because you market yourself as the family fun station but your DJs this morning played Soulja Boy and they proceed to explain “what superman that ho” means in detail. How is that Family Friendly? I want someone to call me! And now that I have your attention, let me tell you about the other songs that disturb me…”For most of them, I had canned replies or I forwarded them on to a program director or our general manger. I always thought that those parents were overreacting to what we played on the radio. Come on, just change the channel if you don’t like what you hear.
I officially want to go on record saying I am sorry that I thought those thoughts. The other day, I was listening to the radio. Yes, I have an iPod but radio got me where I am today so I still support it. Danni, my 3 year old daughter, was in the car when All-American Rejects song Gives You Hell came on. Danni started singing along so I flipped the channel and Britney Spears song If U Seek Amy
was on the next channel. I rushed to change that channel. For those that don’t know say the name of the song 10 times as fast and you will know why I hate that one. Next came Kelly Clarkson I Do Not Hook Up
I am not super conservative but these are words and phrases I do not want my kid using at Mother’s Day Out. I finally switched over to the family friendly one I used to work at and they were playing and I Do Not Hook Up on there. I gave up and we just rode in silence. Then my daughter validated my point by asking, “Did they ever find Amy, Daddy?”
BuckDaddy blogs almost daily at BuckDaddy’s Blog. Along with product review and giveaways, BuckDaddy tells funny stories about his 3 year old daughter, Danni. you will laugh, cry, and probably start taking birth control.