Bring a story to life!
Whether you and your kids act out the story, describe the scenery, costumes and characters or introduce different voices bring a new life to the same old story.
One of Shae’s favorite things to do is sit in the tub and say, “Mommy, I have a story to tell you”. She then pieces together bits of a story and acts it out with her tub animals while I sit on the floor and watch. She may not remember all of the words or scenes or even the correct plot but what she is doing is bringing a new life to something already familiar to her.
Harper Collins has the following tips to broaden the adventure of reading.
A good book lets your child’s imagination run free to visit new worlds. After your child reads a book, help him or her to use other creative parts of their brain and build the world even more by acting out their favorite scene from the book. It’s a great way to have family fun on a summer night, or to bring together your child’s friends on a rainy afternoon. Even better, video the performance and you’ll have a great memory to revisit later! Here are a few tips:
- Have your child imagine what the book would look like as a movie
- Let them design what the scenery would look like
- Encourage your child to choose their favorite character, and explain why
- And have fun!
Check out Border’s for a wide selection of books for the kids and you! Until August 26th, kids get a free book just for reading 10 of their choice. Visit Border’s Double Dog Dare page for complete details and the entry form. Don’t forget to enter to win 1 of 2 $100 Border’s Gift Cards being given away right here.
This is a sponsored post but the opinions and descriptions presented belong solely to LookWhatMomFound…and Dad too! Your experiences and reactions may differ from ours.