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Lasik Eye Surgery: What You Need To Know About Your Eyes

Lasik Eye Surgery is still one of the most popular means of correcting vision problems. However, you can save yourself a lot of time and some headaches by doing your homework and preparing for surgery beforehand.

Why You Should Consider Eye Surgery

Lasik eye surgery is a popular option for people who want to improve their vision. Lasik surgery uses a laser to reshape the cornea, which can result in better vision. Here are some reasons you may want to consider LASIK:

  1.  You have high presbyopia or near-sightedness. With LASIK Houston, your doctor can remove some of the thicker layers of the cornea and make it thinner, allowing more light into your eye. This can help you see better without glasses or contacts.
  2. You have significant astigmatism. Astigmatism is an irregularity in the shape of your iris that can cause blurred images when you look at things close up or distant objects. With Lasik, your doctor can correct this by shaping the flap that covers the back of your iris using a laser.
  3. You have diabetes or other eye diseases. Many people with diabetes require eyeglasses or contact lenses because their eyesight gets worse over time due to sugar damage to the retina and optic nerve. Lasik may be an option for you if you don’t need medication for your diabetes and your doctor feels that Lasik would improve your vision enough to no longer require eyeglasses or contact lenses.
  4. You’re pregnant or planning to get pregnant soon. If you’re pregnant, it’s important to see an ophthalmologist as soon as possible after learning about your pregnancy so that he or she can

What Happens During Eye Surgery?

During Lasik surgery, the surgeon makes a cut in your eye to create a flap. This flap is then lifted and moved to the back of your eye. The surgeon then uses a laser to thin the lens on the front of your eye. This allows more light to reach the retina, which helps you see better.

What to Expect After Your Surgery

After your surgery, you may feel some post-operative discomfort. This usually lasts no more than a day or two and can be treated with over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen or paracetamol.

When you wake up from Lasik surgery, your eyes will be bandaged. It is important to keep the area clean and dry, so use a sterile adhesive bandage to cover the entire eye for the first few days after surgery. Do not remove the bandage until it has been instructed to do so by your surgeon. You may experience some light sensitivity for about three weeks after surgery. This will gradually decrease as your eyes heal and adapt to the new vision. If you experience significant pain or discomfort, contact your doctor immediately.

How Much Does Lasik Cost?

Lasik eye surgery is an outpatient procedure that uses a laser to correct your vision. The surgery typically takes about one hour and can be done on either the left or right eye. There are three types of Lasik: Basic Lasik, Advanced Lasik, and Custom Lasik.

  1. Basic Lasik: This is the most common type of Lasik and involves a brief surgical procedure where the doctor removes the thin layer of tissue over your eyes using a blade.
  2. Advanced Lasik: This is a more complex type of surgery that includes two separate procedures. The first step is to remove the excess tissue above your eyes using a blade. The second step is to use a laser to cut tiny slits in the surface of your eyes. These slits allow light to enter directly into your eyes without going through the layers of tissue above your eyes.
  3. Custom Lasik: This is the most advanced type of Lasik and involves creating a custom treatment plan specific to you based on your individual needs and concerns.

Your eyesight may improve after Lasik surgery, but there are some things you need to know about your eyes. Your surgeon will do a post-op exam to make sure everything is going well. You should expect some minor discomfort and dryness in the first few days after Lasik. Over time, your vision should improve significantly. However, it is important to follow your surgeon’s instructions carefully, as any changes or deviations could lead to further problems.

The Best Time To Have Lasik Surgery And What To Do If You Don’t Like It

If you’re considering Lasik surgery, there are a few things you need to know about your eyes. The best time to have Lasik surgery is when your cornea is at its thinnest point. This is usually in your early 30s but can vary depending on your eye’s thickness and other factors. If you don’t like the results of your Lasik surgery, there are several steps you can take to improve them. First, make sure you schedule a follow-up visit with your doctor as soon as possible. You may also want to try wearing eyeglasses or contact lenses after the surgery to help acclimate yourself to the new vision. If these measures don’t work, you may need to seek out a different type of Lasik treatment or go back under the knife.

Types of Lasik Eye Surgeries

There are two main types of Lasik surgery: monocular and multipolar. Monocular laser surgery uses a laser to correct one eye at a time. Multipolar Lasik surgery uses two or more lasers to correct both eyes simultaneously. The type of Lasik you have is determined by the type of flap you have: radial, middle, or central. Radial Lasik uses a thin flap that is cut across the center of your pupil. Middle Lasik uses a thicker flap that is cut across the center of your pupil and then stretched open like a double-sided zipper. Central lasik uses a thin flap that is cut behind your iris and stretched over the entire pupil.

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In addition to the type of flap, there are three other factors that determine the success of your procedure: the diameter of the excimer laser beam (the size of the hole created in your cornea), the precision of laser cutting, and the angle at which the excimer laser beams are applied to your eye (known as “epilation”). After performing an examination to determine if you are a good candidate for LASIK surgery, the doctor will create a custom map based on your individual eye profile. This map will show where on your cornea the best spot for laser correction is located. The doctor will then use an excimer laser to make precise cuts in your cornea using this map as guidance.