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Zinn & the Art of Road Bike Maintenance Book

I am not sure if most of our readers know this but I am a huge cyclist. I do not mean huge as in weight I mean as in how much I love cycling. I started cycling two years ago to do an MS charity ride and have been hooked since.

Once the cycling season starts in mid March I will usually ride between 100-150 miles a week. All of this riding causes me to have to do weekly maintenance which I can do but when it comes to more complicated repairs off to the bike shop we go. I recently discovered a book called Zinn & the Art of Road Bike Maintenance by Lennard Zinn that should help me eliminate the bike shop for repairs.
Zinn offers DVD’s and books on maintenance for road bikes, mountain bikes and triathlon bikes. In my opinion this book could help you learn how to work on your own bike allowing you to eliminate costly trips to your local bike shop if you so desired. The book is very easy to read and follow and will give a list of tools and the steps that are needed to complete each repair. Zinn & the Art of Road Bike Maintenance also have great diagrams allowing you to identify each part on your bike just in case you are not familiar with all of them. The books covers maintenance items as simple as cleaning your bikes chain and as complex as working on your tires bearings.

I was really excited when I received Zinn & the Art of Road Bike Maintenance. Like I had mentioned I am pretty good at simple repairs and maintenance but not when it comes to the larger items like a tune up. A tune up for a bike is where they would adjust your front and rear derailleur (what moves the chain to easier and harder gears), check and adjust your brakes, lube the chain and sometimes check the spokes. A tune up can cost anywhere from $50 up to $80. Now you can see why a book like Zinn & the Art of Road Bike Maintenance would be an extremely helpful book to have at your disposal.

If you are new to cycling or have been doing it for a while like myself you owe it to yourself to check out Zinn & the Art of Road Bike Maintenance. This book covers every aspect of bike repair and maintenance and will help you save money which will easily cover the $24.95 cost of the book.

This is a sponsored post but the opinions and descriptions presented belong solely to LookWhatMomFound…and Dad too! Your experiences and reactions may differ from ours.