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4 Commonly Asked Questions About Cialis


When most men are first diagnosed with erectile dysfunction, or ED, a doctor or physician may begin to recommend different medications in order to help their patients remain sexually active. One of the most commonly prescribed medications is Cialis.

Most men never look into or understand the differences between ED medications until after their diagnosis. And it can be easy to feel confused and intimidated by the multitudes of opinions, dense terminology, and various lists of side effects when beginning to take Cialis.

Going on Cialis doesn’t have to be a scary and complex experience—in fact, Cialis is commonly prescribed, widely used, and generally quite safe for men with erectile disfunction to take. If your doctor has prescribed Cialis to you, or would like to know more about the medication, here are the answers to four of the most commonly asked questions about Cialis:

1.    How can I expect to feel after taking Cialis?

Perhaps the most common question for men that are prescribed Cialis is what they can expect in terms of sensation or feeling. Given the relative obscurity of open conversations about ED in greater society, it’s perfectly understandable to be unaware of what exactly Cialis does to your body.

According to the official Cialis website, the medication is typically prescribed and designed to be taken daily, as opposed to just before you would like to attempt intercourse. Of course, the goal of the medication is to eliminate common symptoms of ED and allow you to complete successful intercourse whenever the time is right—and Cialis is available for use as needed as well.

Common side effects and unintended consequences of taking Cialis includes headaches and indigestion as well as possible muscle aches and a runny nose. More serious but rare side effects can include an erection lasting longer than four hours and impaired vision. As with any medication, if any unexpected happens or serious side effects begin to appear, consult a doctor or physician immediately.

2.    How much does it cost to take Cialis?

Adding any new medication or prescription to your regimen will certainly have an effect on your finances, and Cialis is no different. Unfortunately, the daily cost for Cialis may be higher than you were expecting.

Even when compared with several vendors, the average cost of Cialis can be hundreds of dollars for a bimonthly or monthly dosage. Even with assistance from your health insurance provider, these pills can be pretty pricey.

If you’re concerned with the financial burden of taking daily Cialis, or you simply want to save money if you can, don’t put your health at risk by personally lowering your recommended dose. Many reputable sources for savings and discounts on Cialis are available. Utilizing one or more of these services can serve to help you keep costs down and help you afford to continue your fight with ED.

3.    Will this affect my other medications?

Adding another medication to your daily regimen is not as simple as an extra pill per day. Extraneous chemicals ingested orally can have adverse effects with each other, so be sure to consult with your doctor to ensure both of you know exactly what’s going into your body each day.

Aside from professional consultation, many helpful pieces of information about taking Cialis alongside other commonly ingested medication can be found on the Cialis website. Many of these recommendations are logical, and are to be assumed when taking medication—such as the need to avoid other ED medications, and ingesting too much alcohol.

But these aren’t the only things you need to avoid when taking Cialis. Those who suffer from hypertension (or high blood pressure) need to be especially careful when introducing Cialis into their bodies. Since both medications lower your blood pressure, taking both at the same time can result in a drastic change in blood pressure that can be hazardous and potentially fatal.

Alway remember to follow your doctor’s instructions when taking Cialis, and to never take hypertension medication at the same time as Cialis, unless otherwise professionally told to do so.

4.    How fast does Cialis work?

There’s a common misconception around ED medication and their effects on the body. And while it can be easy to assume that Cialis must be taken immediately before attempting intercourse, the truth is, the active ingredients in Cialis don’t need a heads up.

The Cialis website dictates that most prescriptions of the ED medication recommend a daily dosage that should last you all day. Or, in other words, there’s no need to take an extra dose if you’re planning to be sexually active immediately.

Alternatively, if you’re prescribed Cialis for use as needed, a 20mg dose can work as quickly as half an hour.

Regardless of how often you need to take Cialis, remember that the effects of Cialis last for up to 36 hours. If you find yourself sexually active more than once in such a time frame, there should be no need to take an extra dose.

Compared to many other ED medications on the market, there’s no bypassing the half hour it takes for Cialis to enter your bloodstream and take effect. In fact, much of the draw for men to use Cialis specifically is due to the freedom it grants, and the elimination of a need to plan around your pill for intercourse.


There are many misconceptions out that can be found about erectile dysfunction, drugs like Cialis, or the results and side effects that you may experience. Luckily, there’s a wealth of information online to be found that to inform you of how often you need to take Cialis, what to expect when on the pill, and different ways to seek discounts on your medication.

Don’t let Cialis and ED stop you from living your life or hurting your ability to have successful intercourse. We hope that these answers about the function and necessity of Cialis have given you some piece of mind when implementing Cialis into your daily routine. Soon enough, you’ll forget that you ever even worried.

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