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Advice on Handling Bed Bugs

Bed Bugs: Merciless Invaders

You don’t have to be an unhygienic individual to become beset with these night-time menaces. Bed bugs can creep into your house through an open window, on the back of a pet, in a suitcase via baggage handling, or even through the walls; coming from another house. Did you know that a bug bomb is actually less effective at killing bed bugs, and more effective at relocating them? It’s true. In the wrong apartment complex, being a bed bug must be like playing beach blanket bingo. Apartment 238 bombs, then 240 bombs, then 242, and the bugs just keep hopping properties. But the good news is, advice on exterminating the little blighters isn’t the kind that ends up being exceptionally difficult. There are three main ways to go about it. But first, before you decide to turn your life upside-down chasing these vermin, the best advice is to ensure that you are actually infested with them. Doing this is simple enough; cut a two-liter bottle in half, throw in some sugar, water, and yeast, then turn the pointy end backwards so it becomes a funnel into the bottle. Tape some paper towels around the contraption to keep any bedbugs with Steve McQueen character from making a great escape out the side, and viola! You’ve got a home-made bed bug trapper that cost you essentially nothing. Check out more detailed instructions here. If, in the morning after you’ve used the trap, you find that your property has indeed come down with an infestation of the bed bug variety, then it’s time to try some of this advice.

Freeze ‘Em To Death
How extensive is the temperature control in your property? Better yet, what time of year is it? If you’re in North Maine in January and discover bed bugs, just open the windows, pull out anything that wouldn’t benefit from freezing solid, and leave it for a week. After four days at zero degrees Fahrenheit, bed bugs die. But creating such conditions is not always easy, or possible, to do.

Sweat ‘Em To The Netherworld
Bed Bugs have exceptionally high temperature sensitivity. Too much heat or cold will end them. On the hot side of things, 113 to 118 degrees is ideal in killing bed bugs. At 113 degrees, they’ll die in an hour and a half. At 118 degrees, they’ll die in twenty minutes–that’s faster than a television sitcom, commercials excluded. If you’ve got control over the thermostat penultimate enough to complete such a heating, you’re good to go. If you live in Arizona and it’s July, just turn off the AC. Otherwise, this option is also a little difficult to pull off solo.

Hire An Exterminator
You may be able to fix your car yourself, but it’s a lot less likely you’ll make a mistake that’s costly if you hire a mechanic. You may be able to fix the refrigerator yourself, but the same applies there, too. With NJ bed Bugs, finding an extermination service makes a lot of sense. They come equipped with precisely the necessary tools to deal with infestations in safe, effective manner. Consider, for instance, steam extermination. This is a method by which extremely hot steam is used to kill the bugs. It’s done with a modicum of time, and a maximum of lethal effect–but there’s very little to no damage. 113 to 118 degrees is uncomfortable, but most devices clothes and furniture pieces will not be adversely affected. The best advice when it comes to infestations is to trust experts who have the tools and know-how to effectively destroy vermin.


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Author Bio

Wendy Dessler

Title: Super-Connector at OutreachMama

Wendy is a super-connector with OutreachMama who helps businesses find their audience online through outreach, partnerships, and networking. She frequently writes about the latest advancements in digital marketing and focuses her efforts on developing customized blogger outreach plans depending on the industry and competition.


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