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Horses and a Farm Seem Like a lot of Work

I know a few people in Delaware who own horses and they tell me they are the best animals to own and are really friendly. A few times the kids have asked if we could get a horse or a pony. UM NO!

I know if we owned a horse the kids would absolutely love it but I have a few problems with owning a horse.  The first is space because living in a townhouse probably isn’t the best place to board a horse.  The second is food because from what I understand horses eat a TON of food on a daily basis.  The third is clean up because a horse would be like every other animal we own and either Melinda or I would be the ones to clean up after a horse.  Also, when you need a shovel to clean up after an animal they may not be the best family pet.  Fourth is clothing because I am sure you don’t just jump up on a horse and ride it in shorts and a t-shirt. You see real horse riders wearing a helmet, boots and chaps.  Luckily you can get chaps from Equestrian clearance because from what I saw they aren’t cheap.  I was also thinking if we did ever get a horse I would also get Equestrian clearance dog coats because they make a dog look so much more sophisticated. LOL.

I don’t think we would ever get a horse but Melinda on numerous occasions has mentioned she would love to buy a farm and live on it like a farmer meaning crops and farm animals.  I guess if Melinda’s dream ever did come true why not get a horse.

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