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Foodie Friday-Time for Dessert

I have a Sweet Tooth. I didn’t realize it until about a year ago; my husband and brother pointed it out. My husband also noticed that after dinner I was always looking for something sweet to balance out the savory meal we had JUST had. I thought back and started to remember instances where I would have bags of M&Ms in my purse or caramels in my desk drawer or I would eat a cupcake while preparing breakfast for the kids. So my goal is to make my sweets worth it. No, I’m not cutting back, that’s just silly. I’m going to make more homemade brownies, cookies and cakes. Bakerella is a cake goddess. Her adorable and scrumptious creations keep me coming back for more and also help keep me in the kitchen.

Bakerella’s infamous red velvet cupcake pops are my newest goal. With Valentine’s Day coming up I want to make these for my family. Wish me luck. I will definitely post pictures of the outcome.