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Green Tip of the Day-Recycle

One of the easiest things to do to help your environment is to RECYCLE. We are lucky, our community offers free recycling pick-up once a week. But I have lived places where there was a fee involved, that doesn’t make sense to me.
What I found to be a life saver were these bins from Ikea. The front of the lid flips up to easily drop a can or newspaper in without disturbing the other bins on top, yes they are stackable. We currently have 2 next to our bakers rack. While they aren’t the most aesthetically pleasing pieces they don’t stand out tucked into a corner. This also keeps them accessible for the children; they know that an empty cereal box goes in the bottom bin.

Even if you don’t have a community source for pick up, recycling can be simple. With these bins or something similar that works for you, just pick up the entire bin, lid and all and take it with you to a local community recycling drop-off. These can be found at churches, schools, shopping center parking lots; even our local Wal-Mart has one. Check this site to find one near you by clicking on your state.

A rinse of bottles and cans, a crush of cardboard boxes and a place to store it is all you need. You’ll have less trash in the garbage can and we will have less dependence on non-renewable resources.