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Inspired by Finn Necklace

rTeething pain is one of the most heart-wrenching things a mom has to hear her little go through. Over the counter remedies might work to relieve the discomfort but personally I don’t like to give my children medications if there are other tricks that would work better. Baltic Amber teething necklaces from Inspired by Finn are my magic potion. Baltic Amber is said to carry special therapeutic and healing oils that are released when worn against the skin.

History shows that amber was used as far back as Ancient Rome and the Egyptians. As a natural homeopathic resource, Baltic amber can be used without nasty side effects from chemicals. These necklaces are not for chewing, they are to lay against your child’s skin to warm up the stones and help to relieve pain and inflammation. This includes the redness of cheeks, swollen gums and even diaper rash.

My youngest has been wearing a necklace since she was 4 months old. When her 1st tooth came in I didn’t even notice. I happened to look in her mouth and noticed it had already broken through the skin. When her 2nd came in she was a miserable mess. We were away for the weekend and forgot her necklace at home. She was feverish and cranky and not sleeping. I took a glance in her mouth and saw that her2nd tooth was breaking through. Was it coincidence? I’m not sure but we make sure we aren’t without it anymore. She now has a mouthful of teeth and we’ve had very little teething issues.
Visit Inspired by Finn; check out the beautiful variety of handstrung and knotted necklaces she carries. Remember amber isn’t just for teething, many arthritis and migraine sufferers are known to sport a gorgeous necklace to utilize its pain relieving qualities.

here is my Shae showing off her pretty necklace
and now here she is showing off her pretty teeth (please excuse the food)