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Brown Bear, Brown Bear , What Do You See?

The subtle rhyming and familiar animal illustrations make this book a favorite in my house. Shae will sit and listen to me read it 2-3 times then carry it over to Daddy and big Sister Sabreena for a couple more rounds. We also have Baby Bear Baby Bear What Do You See, Polar Bear Polar Bear What Do You See and Panda Bear Panda Bear What Do You See. All of these simple but sweet reads keep her attention while she attempts to make animal noises. Each book has its own theme, in this one each animal is named by color such as Blue Horse and Green Frog. Panda Bear Panda Bear What Do You See names a variety of endangered animals from around the world.
While it’s a great picture book for the littlest ones the repetition appeals to those a bit still a bit too young to read. Pick up your copies, cuddle up with the kiddos and start the love of reading early.