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Great American Backyard Campout

My idea of camping is a full size camper with air conditioning, full kitchen and satelite television. As a kid I never went tent camping. The one experience I had as a teenager was terrible, it rained, the tent leaked and the air mattresses ended up being flotation devices. Maybe I’m spoiled but that wasn’t fun. Our couple recent experiences weren’t quite so bad but they were also cushioned by the luxuries mentioned above.

Rob and I always talk about taking the kids camping but never get around to planning something. The Great American Backyard Campout is helping families relive the fun of spending the night under the stars. June 27th, the Great American Backyard Campout is encouraging individuals, youth, friends and families to camp out together for one night in the backyard, front lawn, cabin, public campsite or wherever.

To get started follow the 5 W’s-Who, What, Where, When, Why
Who-Who is invited to join your night with nature? Send invites, call friends have a family meeting.
What-What are you sleeping in? Contact your local camping or sporting goods store to see if they have any gear to rent. DOn’t forget it doesn’t have to be a tent, a cabin in the woods or a camper in a driveaway will all do the trick.
Where-Camping in your yard is fun but find a place that best suits your families and friends needs.
When-The Great American Backyard Campout is scheduled for June 27th but camping can be done any season, all year long.
Why-Because this is a great way to connect with our kids and friends and family without the distractions of everyday life.

Get your event planned and scheduled and register with The Great American Backyard Campout. When you register you get:

*Your own campsite homepage – invite your friends to camp with the online invitation form
*Your campsite will appear on our online map
*Free e-newsletters with camping tips and planning materials
*If you qualify to be a partner, you may be eligible for donated camping gear and you’ll appear on our partners page.

Visit the Great American Backyard Campout page for recipes tips, campfire songs, games and camping tips.

So check the calendars and dust off that tent and go camping!