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Help Find a Cure for MS

An unforgettable ride. An unbeatable challenge
A world free of MS

The Maryland chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society serves more than 6,000 men, women and children living with MS. The Chapter’s membership is comprised of all those who care about fighting MS, including those living with the disease, their families and loved ones, volunteers, staff, healthcare workers, researchers, donors, advocates, sponsors and other partners.
My husband, Rob of PB & Smelly’s Dad, is also one of those people dedicated to prevention, research, treatment, alleviation and a cure of MS. This coming weekend he will be riding his 3rd Bike Ride to raise funds necessary for the Maryland Chapter to keep helping its members. This year’s ride, the Chesapeake Challenge will take him to Chestertown, MD where he will ride 150 miles over 2 days.
Show your support by leaving him a message of gratitude and good luck or donate any dollar amount to support his efforts for others who suffer from this debilitating disease. Help Rob reach his goal of helping others.
a picture from last year’s ride, Rob and his BFF Tim.