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Tracey Singer debut album Sweets ‘n’ Treats

The term Super-Dad is given a new meaning after reading all about Tracey Singer. His debut album Sweets ‘n’ Treats, is being released July 7, 2009 but his story of getting to this stage in life is heartwarming.

“Once my first child was born I knew I wanted to be with her,” says Singer, “and frankly music has always won over any other pursuits.” He recalls registration day for the final year of his undergraduate degree when he excused himself in the middle of a meeting with his Psychology (his major at the time) advisor, with whom he was setting up his schedule, walked over to the music department table and switched his major. He knew that if he didn’t switch he would forever regret it. Music has always been a powerful influence. Children are a powerful influence too. After spending years writing choral music and performing jazz standards and oldies at clubs, corporate events and private parties, the influence of his kids brought about a musical career shift.

Tracey Singer is a work-at-home-dad of 4 under the age of 9. If that isn’t hard work enough he has taken this experience and turned it into inspiration for his hysterically happy new album, Sweets ‘n’ Treats. “I get a kick out of two things: helping kids see the humor and downright silliness in life at a tender age and most of all making them laugh” say Singer of the motivation behind the album. With songs like Mall Mom and Nana Nana Boo Boo, kids and adults are bound to laugh themselves silly. There is one “message” song for kids and it’s called Stinky Smoke. It is aimed at telling children smoking is an unhealthy, unsanitary and unwise habit.

Raised in California and Idaho, Tracey Singer has always has a bond with music. His first performance was as resident pianist for his family church, this was at the ripe old age of 11. His formal training began during high school and college where he earned a degree in Vocal Music from Gonzaga University. Moving forward as a member of many bands of different genres and even starring in his own one-man show and as a published composer and teacher and even a corporate stuffed shirt, Singer has never stepped away from his first love, music. It only made sense to make the change to children’s entertainer when he became a family man.

Sweets ‘n’ Treats will be available at,, iTunes and on July 7th, 2009.