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Nintendo DS Personal Trainer:Walking Recapitulation

Working out and getting into shape is not at the top of everyone’s priority list these days. With work, kids, sports, etc it’s hard to find time to work out. Nintendo has a nice product for the Nintendo DS called Personal Trainer:Walking. Who would have thought the Nintendo DS could help you get into shape but with Personal Trainer:Walking you can achieve your goals and all you have to do it walk.

Personal Trainer:Walking measures your Life Rhythm and step count as you walk by using the two activity meters included. Since Personal Trainer:Walking comes with two activity meters you have one for yourself and you can give the other meter to your kids, spouse, friend or even your dog. Personal Trainer:Walking has some pretty cool features including creating a Mii character when you first register which is a first for the Nintendo DS system. If you have the Nintendo Wii and have a Mii you like you are able to download that Mii to your Nintendo DS which I think is a totally cool feature. You also set your own total daily step count and you activity meter accessory light turns green once you have met your goal. If you feel like taking your fitness to the next level set additional mini targets for yourself, like extra physical activity. Personal Trainer:Walking lets you use the activity monitor data in the game to monitor your routine and graphs your progress by day and week and has a calendar which lets you take a step back and look at your long-term progress.

I was lucky enough to receive the Personal Trainer:Walking for the Nintendo DS to analyse and let me tell you I was totally impressed. It was really easy to set up so you won’t be spending a lot of time trying to figure it out but instead you will be walking and getting closer to your fitness goal. Last night my daughter and I each put on the activity meter and hit the street. After our walk we came home to see our progress which was really easy to do. I am not a big walker for exercise but now that I have the Personal Trainer:Walking for Nintendo DS I will be. I also plan to wear the activity meter to work and thru out the day which will motivate me to take more walks around the office and take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Personal Trainer: Walking is a really nice fitness tool and retails for only $49.99 and is sold online and at most major retailers. The game supports up to four players so you can get others to join you in your quest to WALK more. Enjoy!!!!!!