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What would you do if you won the LOTTERY?

Honestly, what would you do if you won a MULTI MILLION DOLLAR LOTTERY? Would you continue to work? Would you buy fancy cars and a HUGE house with a cleaning staff? Would you give money to your family and friends? Would you invest? Would you start-up that business you always dreamed about? Would you further your own education?

Rob and I always have different ideas about what we would do. His thoughts are to immediately go to a Ferrari or Lamborghini dealership and purchase the car of his dreams while I want to pay off ALL debt then buy a bigger house closer to our family. Don’t get me wrong I do want a BIGGER house, 6 bedrooms, pool, home theater, big garage and a weekly maid but I want these things in the area that we are from, I want to be close to our family and friends again. I’m not trying to move to our own island in the South Pacific.

I would definitely stop working and I’m sure Rob would too. We’ve always wanted to own a bar so I’m sure that would be something we invested in. Charity is a definite too but there are so many good causes out there it’s really hard to say what are more important over others. More volunteering would be a great way to make a difference without being financially burdened to help everyone.

We have to be first though. Our children’s educations would be handled, the girls wedding money would be set aside, they would be taken care of until they were adults.

The first call we would make was to a financial planner. Our futures need to be first on our minds rather than the money burning a hole in our pockets.
Of course we would have to PLAY the lottery to even win and we never ever play.