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Do You Poken?

Do you Poken? I do and I am glad I started. I had the privilege to be sent a Ninja Poken for review by Poken Girl prior to me attending IZEAFest in early October.

Poken is a awesome product that is simple to use. The first thing you need to do once you get a Poken is plug it into your USB drive and set up your contact card also known as your social card on Do You Poken. You can add your Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook information. You can also list as much or as little of your personal information as you want. After your social card is setup you are ready to high four other Poken users and grab their information. One of the coolest things about the Poken is that contact details you have can be downloaded to programs like Outlook.

The Poken is an inexpensive way to stay connected and they are also cool looking all at the same time. If you are looking for a cool way to collect other peoples social cards you need to Poken. For further information on how to Poken you can tweet Poken Girl (@pokengirl). Poken Girl is super nice and would be more then happy to answer any additional questions you might have.


This is a sponsored review but the opinions and descriptions presented belong solely to LookWhatMomFound…and Dad too!