Melinda and I have been in Orlando, Florida since Thursday for IZEAFest and we are having an AWESOME time. I knew we would have a great time but this is so much better then we thought. The weather in Orlando is great, the hotel is super nice and IZEAFest is very informative.On Friday at IZEAFest we had a ton of great speakers like Ted Murphy(@tedmurphy) who spoke about Developing Your Brand, Brian Clark (@copyblogger) who spoke about Strategies That Work and much more. After we wrapped up the day on Friday we headed back to the hotel and got ready to head out for some dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings then for a sponsored event at Ice Bar Orlando (@icebarorlando). If you ever get a chance to attend the Ice Bar Orlando do it. It is a great experience that most people normally wouldn’t do but it was such a cool experience I am glad we did.
Today we started the day with an awesome keynote speaker Aaron Brazell (@technosailor) about Marks of an Influencer. It was a great speech on how to make your mark on the social media world as an influencer which really struck home and now I am going to strive to be an influencer. We have a ton more awesome speakers today and tonight their is a scavenger hunt called IZEAHunt which I am participating. The team name is “The Boogie Crew” and my team is made up of Greg from Telling Dad, Erin from The Mom Buzz, Susan from Life in a House of Blue and Melinda. IZEAHunt is going to be awesome and we are looking forward to it.
So far IZEAFest is terrific and I am glad Melinda and I made the effort to attend. We have met a ton of great people in person finally which is really cool. I will do another update in a day or two after IZEAHunt tonight and Sea World which we are going to tomorrow. So far we are having the best time.