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Has Your Kid Ever Asked Santa For A Bomb For Christmas?

While at the mall on Tuesday we spotted Santa on the lower level so we went down so Shaun and Shae could sit on his lap and tell him what they wanted for Christmas. After getting downstairs we noticed the Santa looked crappy and nothing like Santa. Come to find out the regular Santa was sick and this imposter was a fill in. Thank god because like I said he didn’t look like Santa at all.

While we were standing their debating what we should do here is a conversation that took place between Shaun and Melinda:

Melinda: Shaun what are you going to ask Santa for?

Shaun: Hmmm I’m thinking a bomb.

Melinda: What the hell is the matter with you? What do you need a bomb for?

Shaun: giggling – I was just kidding.

Melinda: Seriously that is not funny, why are you asking for a bomb.

Writing this post I am asking myself a HUGE question. What the heck made Shaun say he wanted a bomb for Christmas? Recently we started letting Shaun watch Tom and Jerry so I am guessing that is where he got the bomb idea. He is not a sociopath he just watches to much Tom and Jerry.