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Santa’s gift to Shaun, Tony Hawk: RIDE

The hottest video game of the season has a new home in our house. Tony Hawk: RIDE is an innovative motion sensing controller shaped like a skateboard that is available for the Wii, Playstation 3 and XBOX 360.
Have you ever wanted to skate like Tony Hawk? This game lets you lift, tilt and turn to complete over 100 tricks at 6 locations all over the globe. The official website gives a great tutorial on movements to master tricks such as an Ollie or Kick Flip and also how to combine them for cooler effects and game advancement.

This year Santa brought RIDE to Shaun and Sabreena. From the second Shaun saw the box he knew what was is it, he tore through that wrapping and wanted to hook it up to the XBOX 360 right away. He played for hours on Christmas night and easily got the hang of the standard movements and skimmed through the locations and challenges. He likes to test out the different levels of a game before really starting his journey. Shaun also liked trying out all characters/players but always went back to Tony Hawk.

One thing I’d love to see is the Party feature. This lets you play an 8 multiplayer game online with Playstation 3 or XBOX 360.

Unfortunately we’ve had a ton of plans the rest of the weekend that has prohibited Shaun from continuing his training but with the next week off of school there is no doubt that he’s going to master the tricks before heading into the New Year.

If you or your kids are gamers or if you just love extreme sports like our boy does you gotta check out Tony Hawk: RIDE for yourself. Gather up all that holiday cash and gift cards and get your own RIDE.

This is a sponsored post but the opinions and descriptions presented belong solely to LookWhatMomFound…and Dad too!