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Sentimental Gifts are the Best Ones

I was lucky to have a grandmother who created beautiful hand knitted/crochet baby blankets.
When I was pregnant with my first child I received 2 large boxes in which contained a large knitted blanket, a smaller lap size blanket, a pillow, a sweater, bonnet and booties all a bright sparkly white. This is what Sabreena came home from the hospital wearing. She looked like a baby doll, it was precious.
When Shaun’s baby shower came along 7 years later I was stunned to find my mom-mom had made Shaun his own blanket, sweater, bonnet and booties.
I didn’t expect another set, I thought each grandchild got 1 gift to be shared between however many children they had. Needless to say I cried like a baby at the thought of my almost 80 yearl old grandmother making me another gorgeous keepsake and the extra special touch was she made them blue, she was known to only do white. Shaun also wore his sweater, bonnet and booties home from the hospital.
Fast forward 4 years when I was pregnant with Shae, I get a phone call from my father. He tells me that my mom-mom has mailed a package to his house and in it are two blankets for Shae. I was speechless! I could barely say a word to my father, I broke down, I  couldn’t compose myself. It actually scared my father, he kept asking what was wrong. I never expected in a million years that I would get another gift like this from her. I thought maybe Shaun got his own because he was a boy and already planned on Shae borrowing Sabreena’s blanket.

All the gifts came in wrapped boxes, the kind where all you have to do is take the lid off and the box itself is still wrapped. The boxes are still intact and still hold the precious pieces, except 1 that Shae claimed as her blankie. My mom-mom is no longer with us but each time I look at the blankets she made the kids or the afghan she made me several year earlier I know she poured her heart into every cherished piece she made.

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