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Was your Valentine’s Day Commercial or Unconventional?

What did you do/get for Valentine’s Day? Did you get flowers that will die in a few days or chocolates that are going to add inches to your waistline? I know, you got another wallet picked out by a salesperson.

Caravan Opinion Research conducted a telephone survey of 1000 Americans and revealed that 2/3 of them prefer thoughtful gestures like a romantic dinner date or practical gifts like a Dyson vacuum over diamonds and spa treatments.

Rob and I don’t really exchange gifts; we do cards and usually a special meal out. This year we went to a local restaurant for their superb crabcakes for me and prime rib for him.. For us spending a bit of quality ALONE time together is what’s important for Valentine’s Day not dropping a small fortune just for the sake of saying Happy Valentine’s Day. Don’t get me wrong diamonds are awesome and I’m not going to turn them down but I prefer something that has some thought or meaning behind it.

Next year take a moment to think about what is important about Valentine’s Day. Celebrate those that you love and love you back with something from the heart and the head not from what society tells you is acceptable gift-giving.

This information included in this post was provided by Caravan Opinion Research and Ketchum PR.  This is not a sponsored post, the opinions and descriptions presented belong solely to LookWhatMomFound…and Dad too! Your experiences and reactions may differ from ours.