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Pee vs Play

I love how kids chose play over pee 99 out of 100 times. Let me explain. Shae one day last week was playing in the basement probably with her kitchen, lemonade stand or cookies and during that time she peed in her underwear. Shae will be three in August and has been fully potty trained for about 1-2 months now.

What is weird about this situation is if we have to take a long car ride we will put a pull up on her and she will tell us she has to pee sometime during the car ride but refuses to pee in her diaper. So why would she pee in her pants while playing in the basement at home with the bathroom being only five feet away? This is what is most puzzling to me.

My only conclusion is playing wins over peeing 99% of the time. Shae must be so into what she is playing with at that moments in time she can’t tear herself away from her toys to take a bathroom break.  I can’t figure out any other reason for this.

Have any ideas let me know as I would love to hear your thoughts.