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Where have all the spoons gone?

Breakfast time on a school day is a hectic. 3 kids trying to eat all the food within reach require lots of cups, bowls, napkins and SPOONS. This 1 meal leaves 10 dirty spoons. How is this possible you ask? It’s because my kids refuse to reuse a spoon for 2 different food types. There has to be a spoon for yogurt, then a separate one for fruit then a whole new one for cereal. Then I need one for my coffee or tea then sometimes my yogurt requires a new spoon because I don’t eat while getting my making my morning beverage.

The dishwasher usually gets emptied in the morning and by 8:30 am the teaspoon slot is ½ empty. Thank goodness we have 2 sets of silverware, they don’t match but that’s a different story for a different day