Every girl loves a great bag. That doesn’t always mean a handbag though. Crumpler Bags are different that the original design was a durable bike messenger bag used in Melbourne Australia. Superior construction, reinforced stitching, rugged durability, padded shoulder straps and colorful are the words and phrases I use to describe the entire Crumpler line.
They recently introduced a kids line which include 2 bags, Baby Pea and Baby Anchovy. Shae received Baby Anchovy a couple weeks ago to try out. Here is her product review of it:
As you can see Shae’s new Baby Anchovy bag is a unique change to her girly and dainty bags she’s been using. She is able to take Baby Anchovy to the library and load it up or take it to the grandparents with a day’s worth of gear.
I got the chance to try out Dreadful Embarrassment, a messenger laptop bag that retails $105.00 USD. Here is my video review showing you exactly how much room is available.
I’m beyond pleased with our Crumpler Bag experiences. Whatever your need; photography, school, travel, leisure or active-lifestyle find a bag that is not only perfect but will last many many years. Shop online or Custom bag shop in New York City
This is a sponsored post but the opinions and descriptions presented belong solely to LookWhatMomFound…and Dad too! Your experiences and reactions may differ from ours.