Make it magical under the stars. Like dinner, dancing and sleeping, reading can become the ultimate adventure if done under the stars or by the light of the moon.
Read Out Under the Stars! brought to you from Harper Collins
Consider camping out for a night in your backyard! Take the opportunity to unplug from TV, computers and other distractions and connect as a family by sharing some of your own childhood favorite books with your own kids by camp light in your own backyard.
This weekend Shae and I spent reading 10 Flashing Fireflies while real fireflies danced around us. We settled in at dusk with a pile of books and read until all the books were read. This was new for us, we’d never had this kind of little adventure but it’s turning into a regular event now. Last night we read The Boy Who Wouldn’t Go To Bed and she ended up as sleepy as the character.
Border’s is encouraging reader of all ages to switch up how they read, what they read and especially how much. Remember until August 26th, Border’s is rewarding your kids with a free book when they read 10 of their own. Border’s Double Dog Dare Program is a great way to entice summer reading to avoid brain melt while school is out and best of all it’s FREE. Visit your local Border’s store or online for complete details and rules and for an order form.
This is a sponsored post but the opinions and descriptions presented belong solely to LookWhatMomFound…and Dad too! Your experiences and reactions may differ from ours.