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Shaun Thinks Money Grows On Trees

Today Shaun’s Scholastic book form came home from school and he asked if he could get some books. I told Shaun to circle what he wanted and I would look to see what we would get if anything at all. Shaun went into the kitchen and came out a little while later saying he needed $12 for Snow Science (you make your own snow flakes) and then another book that I can’t remember.

Shaun then asked me what Harry Potter books Sabreena had because he saw them in his Scholastic magazine. Not sure why he is asking because he is not able to read those books yet. He must have asked Sabreena because he came back downstairs a few minutes later went into the kitchen and then came out an said “Dad, I need $35 so I can get Snow Science, Scooby Doo and Harry Potter”. Melinda and I laughed immediately. His book order went from $12 to $35 in an instant. This boy must think money grows on trees!!