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Love Coffee? Try Marley Coffee!!

Coffee is a necessity for me especially with waking up at 5:30 am so when I was asked to review a bag of Lively Up! Whole Bean Organic Coffee from Marley I was all over it.

Lively Up! is an exquisite 5-bean espresso blend that is married beautifully with our premier Ethiopian Yirgacheffe. This full-bodied yet well-balanced coffee offers hints of cocoa, candied fruit and sweet caramel. The long, savory finish can be equally enjoyed in drip, press or espresso preparations.

One of the cool things about Marley Coffee is they are committed to respecting the environment and using beans that are farmed and adhere to strict sustainable ethics. It is the Marley family’s hope that the Marley Coffee farm will inspire other Jamaican farmers to join the organic movement, by showing them that sustainable farming can be profitable.

Marley Coffee is also big into kids and believes kids should be on the playground not the workplace and should be playing sports and that is why they started Kicks For Cause Foundation. The foundation aims to build playable soccer fields and soccer camps for children of the coffee-producing communities around the world.

There are approximately 250 million children in the global workforce, 120 million of whom work full time, according to an International Labor Organization (ILO) estimate. Especially in agricultural communities, children are often forced to work just to help their families survive. In fact, according to the US Department of Labor, more children work in agriculture around the world than in any other economic sector, making up an estimated 7-12% of workers.

Marley Coffee is working to change that above one bag of coffee at a time. Every purchase of Marley Coffee also supports our commitment to pay twice the average wage to our family farmers on our Marley Coffee farm in Jamaica.

I love coffee and I was really impressed with the flavor.  This is a coffee I would definitely buy in the future and now that I know about there history and Kicks For Cause foundation it is even more of a reson why I would and should purchase Marley Coffee.

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