I can remember when Melinda and I first got married neither of us had a dining room set because we both lived in small apartments. All Melinda ever said she wanted once we moved to a bigger place was a nice dining room table with nice side dining room chairs.

This is not our dining room set
Over the years we have had numerous dining room sets but nothing to write home about. One I can remember was a small round table and 4 chairs that was in Melinda’s mom’s house and she gave it to us which worked and lasted us a few years before we finally went out on our own and bought a set that Melinda loved. That was maybe five to six years ago and I think we might be in the market again for a new dining room set.
It is funny because I wanted to sell this set before we moved back to Delaware but Melinda stood her ground and refused but just the other day she mentioned wanting a new set. It’s a well know fact that our current dining room set is Melinda’s pride and joy. The kids even know and have made mention of that fact on numerous occasions. To me a table is a table and chairs are chairs as long as I can sit and eat at it I am good but I don’t think it works the same for Melinda and probably most women, LOL. Maybe that isn’t 100% true because I do like the winsome windsor dining side chairs.
I am not 100% if and when we will be on the hunt again for a new dining room set but rest assured we won’t be buying one until Melinda finds once that she absolutely loves.
Do you love your dining room table and chairs? Do you need a new set?