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Two Weeks Into A Fresher Mouth

I am now into my second week of the Health Invigorating Clean Multi-Protection Rinse Test Drive Program where I need to use Crest Pro-Health Invigorating Clean Multi-Protection Rinse twice daily for one month.

So far I love the product and am very glad I was asked to participate in this program. Like I mentioned in my first post which you can read HERE I am not really a mouth wash/rinse kind of guy. I find most products that are on the market are strong, taste bad and burn. I am pleasantly surprised with Crest Pro-Health Invigorating Clean Multi-Protection Rinse and how effective it has been for me so far.

I use Crest Pro-Health Invigorating Clean Multi-Protection Rinse twice daily. Once in the morning and once before bed. I find when I use the rinse in the morning it leaves my mouth and breath feeling fresh for hours. It kills germs, freshens breath and reduces plaque. What more could you ask from a mouth wash/rinse.

New Crest Pro-Health Invigorating Clean Multi-Protection Rinse gives you an invigorating clean that lets you know you’re working toward a better dental check-up—not to mention 6 benefits in 1:

  • Kills Germs
  • Helps prevent gingivtis
  • Freshens breath
  • Reduces plaque
  • Keeps teeth cleaner longer
  • Invigorating sensation

Two weeks down and two to go but after these last two weeks this will be a product that I continue to use even after the program ends. This is a rinse that will make your next dental appointment somewhat enjoyable. I only say somewhat because who likes the dentist but Crest Pro-Health Invigorating Clean Multi-Protection Rinse will make it manageable.

I wrote this review while participating in a test drive campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Crest and received a sample to facilitate my candid review. Mom Central Consulting sent me a gift card to thank me for taking the time to participate.