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Need a little crafting inspiration?

I know a lot of our readers are crafty and talented. Whether it’s baking, sewing, photography or kids crafts we have a some skill.  But I also know that we all suffer from inspiration block sometimes. What gets you over that hump?  What gives you a renewed love of your “craft”?

Peek at this video, see if it helps 🙂

Leslie Hall has been around for a LONG time. She’s originally know as the Gem Sweater girl but can more recently be seen on Yo Gabba Gabba.  Her videos are odd as well as her wardrobe but if she can make a career out of this strange character and behavior than more power to her. She isn’t hurting anyone, she isn’t offending anyone. I take more offense to music artists and the lyrics they sing degrading people and situations in the world.



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