It’s week 27 for Project 52. Â This is where I give you a peek into what goes behind the blog that we don’t get around to posting about. Project 52 focuses around family, the activities that we do, the places we go and usually random silliness. I’ve missed the last 2 weeks and I’m bummed. I was really excited that I had kept up but life got really busy but in a good way.
This installment is going to be playing a little bit of catch up. I’m not gonna flood you with details of the last 3 weeks but I’ll give you a taste of the things we did.
a couple weeks back I was invited to General Mills Nationa Box Top University. The entire trip was a whirlwind and extremly educational. Here’s a peek at what we did.

our visit started with a beautiful tour of Lake Minnetonka, no one got sick

if you know anything about me you know I love kitchen stuff. we were given special permission to tour the food stylist/photo shoot prop room. this is where I want to be buried when I die

baskets of every shape, size and color
Last weekend we went on a last minute trip to the beach. The weather was gorgeous, our hotel was on the beach block and the kids had a blast.

daddy, lets jump the waves

higher daddy !

felix #2, sabreena's 2nd sand turtle

they are so cute when they get along
Let’s see what your week was like!