As a parent we have to make smart decisions for our kids. Have you ever looked at someone’s child and wondered why they were eating that particular snack, playing a certain game or behaving in that manner. Halloween costumes are no better. Over the years I’ve seen some of the most inappropriate costumes on children and wonder what kind of example they are setting. What happened to the days of cartoon characters, superheros and cute furry animals.
Baby Pimp

baby pimp halloween costume
Sexy Soldier

girls sexy soldier
Dead Cheerleader

kids dead cheerleader costume
Suicide Bomber/Terrorist

suicide bomber/terrorist costume for kids
Slutty French Maid

flirty french maid costume for girls
Guantanamo Bay Detainee

guantanamo bay detainee costume

racist slave boy costume
Hasidic Jew

hasidic jewish boy costume

kids gangster costume