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Things Every Mother Should Know

Parenting is hard.  I along with some of my PSMM friends have put together a handy little list of things every parent should know to get them through the years.  We are by no means experts but we’ve learned some thing from experience and think it’s best to share our advice, tips and tricks with you.
Some Things Every  Mother Should Know

  • Know Where The Nearest 24 hour Pharmacy is
  • Kids are Always Watching
  • Your Life Will Change Forever
  • Your Child’s Normal/Non-Sick Temperature
  • Lollipops Come in Handy
  • Magic Erasers Remove ALMOST Anything
  • The Experts Aren’t Always Right
  • You WON’T Remember Every Milestone, Write it Down
  • Sleeping in only exists when the kids are not under the same roof that night. Dana, Single Mom in the City
  • Family vacations are an expensive week long workout Dana, Single Mom in the City
  • Your house will never be clean again…As soon as you clean something your kids will come by and make it dirty again. Mychal-My Life in Mommyland
  • Always stop whatever you are doin when they ask you to read, play with magnet letters or want to do numbers. Whatever you were doing right then is never as important as fostering a love of learning. Becky, Crafty Garden Mama
  • How to Take Time for Yourself Without Guilt –Hillary-Hac Scraps
  • Once you become a parent you will look at your own parents in a different light.Jeanine-Mommy Entourage
  • Don’t sweat the small stuff – you will look back and wonder why you worried over little things Lovable Labels
  • You will leave the house countless times before having a chance to brush your hair or event attempt to look halfway decent, but your kids WILL make it to preschool on time. Jeanine-Mommy Entourage
  • Never say Never. Because whatever you thought you would NEVER do as a parent, you most likely will end up doing. Cindy-Whatever Works
  • if you say, “There is no way that he… (is hungry, has to use the potty, would climb on top of the bookcase and jump off)”, it is certainly the case that it will happen…probably about three seconds after you say it. Heather-Diapered Knights
  • Poop will become part of everyday conversation, even with other adults. Don’t try to fight it. Jessica-Delco Pa Moms
  • Every time you think you have it down, it changes. Sarah-Finnegan and the Hughes
  • Never talk about a good sleeper out loud because that is exactly when they become a bad sleeper. Sarah-Finnegan and the Hughes
  • Just like we tell them not to put things in their mouth, parents shouldn’t do it either. it might be a raisin but it might be booger too. ya never can tell until its in your mouth. Kelly-The Turnip Farmer
  • Your ability to hold a real, adult conversation my diminish but you will become an expert in toddler/preschooler translation. Stephanie-Mama Bears World
  • at all costs, don’t finish your kids’ food… you’ll regret it when they are 5 and you are still sporting a “baby bump” Dana-Single Mom in the City
  • Continue to value your relationship with your significant other as the core of the family. This relationship is the foundation of your family. Toni-Tickles and Time Outs
  • Keep your sense of humor or you’ll go INSANE! Toni-Tickles and Time Outs

Do you have anything you would like to add to this list?