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Everyday Smokey Eye with Smashbox

We all can’t pull off red carpet inspired makeup. In my regular day I’m lucky if I wear makeup twice a week. The other days moisturizer and lip balm are my staples. BUT when the time comes I really indulge and sit in front of mirror and play with color and shape.

The smoky eye is one of those things that I’m not perfect at applying but using Smashbox Photo Op Eye Enhancing Palette in Soft Box gives me all the right shapes in one beautifully put together palette.

This is how I played with it. A soft smoky eye that could get me through a day of errands or dinner with Rob. This is with NO eyeliner, no mascara or lashes.

Everyday Smoky Eye with Smashbox

Everyday Smoky Eye Smashbox
Smashbox is known for its saturated colors and long lasting wear. The neutral colors complemented each other and went well with my skin tone and can easily be combined with other colors from other brands. When I first started the browns were too dark but instead of washing away the base I already had I just buffed until it was muted enough for my liking.  The gold shimmer was something new for me. I never realized metallics could offer such brightness without gaudiness.

The palette comes with a LARGE mirror and double ended application brush. I typically throw away included brushes but this brush actually was large enough that is was usable.

Smashbox Photo Op Eye Enhancing Palette in Soft Box is available online for $39. Don’t forget about its sister palette in Smoke Box.